Dissertations and Theses. Rashmi Kumari Lucknow: In the epoch of globalization, privatization and industrialization, cultural hybridization has become an integral part of people.Easy flow of people, information, goods and services, tradition and culture has made the whole world hybrid. Benefit: Cultural sensitivity, insight, and local knowledge means higher quality, targeted marketing. Hybridization naturally occurs more often in plants than animals, say authors at NWE. Nyaberi speaks of Recommended Citation Wagner, Jesse Harold, "Cultural Hybridization, Glocalization and American Soccer Supporters: The Case of the Timbers Army" (2012). Cultural hybridization refers to the convergence of different elements of various cultures. Globalization has been associated with a range of cultural consequences. Some Actions Are Not Excusable Many cultures use the theory as an excuse of appalling actions. The concept of cultural diversity has a very wide scope and is being practiced by people and organizations all over the world. The Korean Wave: Breaking through International Borders Westernised countries may be viewed as the dominant, but Asian countries like South Korea are on the rise, as their culture has encompassed global awareness into the major exports of fashion, music, beauty, film and television. However, much of the public remains confused about what the term actually means. The contributors in this volume assume the historicity of transcultural flows and 3. Holton writes that the hybridization thesis focuses “on the intercultural exchange and the incorporation of cultural elements from a variety of sources within particular cultural practices.” These differences between countries could undermine the cultural homogenization. • Hybridity provides a way out of binary thinking • A way to resist on the part of the colonized • Loose boundary- more productive. One increasingly important variable for employers, however, has become the concept of cultural fit. Pros And Cons Of Cultural Hybridization. Balancing the benefits of integrating into a globalized world against protecting the uniqueness of local culture requires a careful approach. One advantage of this is that people can become more acceptant of other beliefs, races, languages, and religions. 3. Globalization, hence, poses norma… Creole languages, a new language developed from simplifying and blending different languages that come into contact within particular population, at a specific point in time. The process of translocal fusion and cultural mixing or hybridization is another model that touches on interactions between globalization and culture. Take the political system as an example. Globalization has its natural barriers like the differences in languages, geographical factors, religious and ethnics. Cross-cultural understanding, along with local market knowledge, lends itself the production of more effective marketing strategy and materials.For example, high quality and culturally sensitive translations of websites, brochures, and other assets are essential. A Respect For Other Cultures The biggest benefit that can be brought from the idea of cultural relativism is the universal respect for different cultures and countries around the world. Is the Coronavirus Crisis Increasing America's Drug Overdoses? Within the context of globalization, cultural transformations are increasingly analyzed as hybridization processes. Sometimes, however, hybridization creates new genes that help organisms survive, especially in changing climates. The cultural hybridization affects economic relations between communities and the social orientation of the blending groups. Cultural hybridity • Hybridity – a powerful tool for liberation • International culture • Something new and more complex. One advantage of this is that people can become more acceptant of other beliefs, races, languages, and religions. Free Preview. Cultural globalization, phenomenon by which the experience of everyday life, as influenced by the diffusion of commodities and ideas, reflects a standardization of cultural expressions globally. Dissertations and Theses. Standardised Testing Name: Institution: Abstract This paper explores two published books that touched on pros and cons of standardized testing in schools. According to the hybridization view, external and internal flows interact to create a unique cultural hybrid that … Paper 937. However, excellence and high quality are considerations not effectively covered in the corporate culture. Within the context of globalization, cultural transformations are increasingly analyzed as hybridization processes. Hybridization can take many forms, for example, new forms of music such as mash-ups. 1. This page was last modified on 27 September 2015, at 17:00. McDonald’s organizational culture has the advantage of enabling the company to improve quality of service through people-centricity, individual learning, and organizational learning. Another benefit of cultural diversity in the workplace is the increase in creativity among teams, and the ability to have a more diverse set of solutions to specific problems. Will 5G Impact Our Cell Phone Plans (or Our Health?! The phrase "spanglish" is a language that combines the language of spanish and english. DEFINATI ON • The development of new culture by merging two or more than two different cultures through a period of contact and interaction. cultural balkanization is a return to the “particular” after a great deal of interest in the “universal.” Interestingly, both cultural balkanization and globalization can be understood as undermining national identity and, at the same time, as existing in tension with one another. In some ways, cultural globalization allows for the sharing of diverse cultures. Cultural hybridity is when a person from a different background adds to another culture. This question originally appeared on Quora - the place to gain and … Advantages of hybridization include passing along favorable traits and prolonging the survival of a threatened or endangered species, but a disadvantage is that hybrid animals have more difficulty finding mates and successfully breeding. Globalization involves a process of local and regional adaptations in many areas of human life under emerging global situation (Mondal, 2010). Writers with two or morelinguistic and cultural identitieshave a wide range of storytellingtechniques. • Two originally distinct cultures come together and create something new and exciting. Definition of Cultural Hybridization (noun) The process by which a cultural element blends into another culture by modifying the element to fit cultural norms.Examples of Cultural Hybridization. Cultural globalization refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings, and values around the world in such a way as to extend and intensify social relations. cultural renewal in Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, and America. Hybridization has become part of an ongoing trend in cultural production, with both the globalization and localization of the culture industry. In order to better understand the idea of cultural relativism, let’s look at both the benefits and drawbacks that this theory brings to society. The Benefits of Finding Company Culture Alignment When Hiring. This page has been accessed 10,741 times. This Buzzle article tries to understand the meaning of the term cultural appropriation with the help of examples. Hybridization, however, is not merely the mixing, blending and synthesizing of different elements that ultimately forms a culturally faceless whole. Literary Benefits of Linguistic and Cultural Hybridity by Leanne Radojkovich 2. Thus bringing the two cultures closer together.… This research views cultural as a neutral term that conveys the essential of hybridization without external bias. cultural change is unidirectional, flowing out from Europe and America to other areas of the world, with the aim of strengthening the economic advantage of the sending countries. return to *History 8 Environment Manual Assignments. Employees coming from various cultures can contribute with a wider range of perspectives on an assignment. Although homogenizing influences exist as a result of this phenomenon, they are far from creating a single world culture. Conceptualizing Cultural Hybridization A Transdisciplinary Approach. Cultural appropriation is the process that takes a practice of cultural significance from one group (usually marginalized) and turns it into something that benefits another group (usually dominant) without giving credit, money, or even acknowledgment to the group of origin—ultimately erasing its meaning. Cultural globalization - Cultural globalization - Entertainment: The power of media conglomerates and the ubiquity of entertainment programming has globalized television’s impact and made it a logical target for accusations of cultural imperialism. Beyond that and this is important, culture is about people’s total way of life; the way people live, eat, worship, produce, create and recreate. The manual hybridization of plants is very simple and can only be achieved with related species, ie plants of the same genus for example. Pros And Cons Of Cultural Hybridization. Marwan Kraidy defines the term as the "cultural logic" of globalization because hybridity confirms that "there are traces of other cultures in every culture" (Marwan M. Kraidy. According to the hybridization view, external and internal flows interact to create a unique cultural hybrid that encompasses components of the two (Ritzer, 2010). The male pollen is artificially transferred to the female pistil and a seed is formed. Cultural Hybridization In today’s fast paced society, almost every organization and individual is going on about globalization, glocalisation, hybridity and whatnot. Understanding Cultural Hybridization and Globalization Through the Benefits and Risks on Economic Growth: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3042-9.ch010: The purpose of this writing is to critically examine various issues and understand the main talking point in globalization, which is the impact it brings to A disadvantage of cultural hybridity is that one might lose their heritage while assimilating into a "cultural melting pot" Also, people might be persecuted for their beliefs or religion. Definition of Cultural Hybridization (noun) The process by which a cultural element blends into another culture by modifying the element to fit cultural norms.Examples of Cultural Hybridization. Hybridization occurs naturally and through human initiation. Cultural globalization refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings, and values around the world in such a way as to extend and intensify social relations. The third and final paradigm to be surveyed views the interconnection between globalization and culture as a hybridization of cultures in the world. In this Forbes article , the writers points out “Research on creativity and innovation has been consistent in showing the value of exposing individuals to experiences with multiple perspectives and world views. • Variety of different cultures merging together within a single society. ), The Secret Science of Solving Crossword Puzzles, Racist Phrases to Remove From Your Mental Lexicon. Within the context of globalization, cultural transformations are increasingly analyzed as hybridization processes. Against this backdrop the seemingly unstoppable and ever accelerating cultural homogenization around the world brought about by travel, the … Theoretically, Culture and globalization are two diverse concepts involved in this study. The concept was introduced by the Argentinean anthropologist Néstor García Canclini in 1990. Creole languages, a new language developed from simplifying and blending different languages that come into contact within particular population, at a specific point in time. 2. Recommended Citation Wagner, Jesse Harold, "Cultural Hybridization, Glocalization and American Soccer Supporters: The Case of the Timbers Army" (2012). 6. The process of translocal fusion and cultural mixing or hybridization is another model that touches on interactions between globalization and culture. Some examples of cultural appropriation include . Editors: Stockhammer, Philipp Wolfgang (Ed.) Advantages: * people of all cultures become used to one another and learn more about eachother as individuals . Anyway, we must first know what hybridization is: Concept: Hybridization is the crossing between populations that have different gene complexes (genetic material), they can be between races (called varieties in plants) of the same species or different species . A mix of cultural experiences helps in problem-solving, and can create a strong team. 3. He explores hybridity in the context of the postcolonial novel, celebrating it as the resilience of the subaltern Culture is not only about dancing, it is not limited only to music; it is not about costume alone. Cultural appropriation harms cultures when a prevailing culture adopts things from a different culture without interpreting them, or manipulates them in ways that contradict the origins, and substitutes the dominant culture's idea of what the other culture is like. Disadvantages of Cultural Relativism. There are countless variables that go into assessing a candidate – from work history, to job skills, personality traits, and more. • Collective consciouness. What Are Advantages and Disadvantages of Hybridization. Hybridization occurs when people mix traditional arts, mass communication, and popular culture in new ways. According to Beamer and Varner (2009), cultural hybridization has three interconnected aspects, which include ethnicity, language, and race. This elucidates that Globalization creates a double challenge for all of concerns: that of trying to examine and understand these progressions, and their long-term implication, but also that of deciding how human beings act in response to them. Cultural appropriation is the adoption of certain elements from another culture without the consent of people who belong to that culture. *History 8 Environment Manual Assignments, the University of Warwick Department of Sociology, http://wiki.sjs.org/wiki/index.php?title=6._What_is_cultural_hybridity%3F_Give_advantages_and/or_disadvantages.&oldid=34415. Cultural globalization is also marked with some new trends in human relations. Popham, (2001) and Sacks, (1999) suggest that through pros a student will have to pass certain tests to determine that he or she has acquired proficiency in various fields of study. What is cultural hybridity? 10.15760/etd.937 This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access. Pros and Cons of Affirmative Action. Similarly, cross breeding between white-tailed deer and mule deer produces offspring that inherit neither parent's strategies for avoiding predators. Balancing the benefits of integrating into a globalized world against protecting the uniqueness of local culture requires a careful approach. It sometimes creates dominant genes that help offspring survive, but more often fails to pass along life-sustaining genes, according to the New World Encyclopedia. Cultural convergence is a trend where two cultures that interact a lot start to appear more similar to each other. Those who have a dystopian view on the globalisation of cultures believe it will lead to cultural imperialism, arguing that the “globalisation of communication will result in the domination and intrusion of Western culture and values such as … return to *History 8 Environment Manual Assignments. Néstor Canclini mentions that cultural hybridization has occurred extensively throughout history, but his studies are essentially focused on Latin America, a region formed by the mixture of two peoples after the Conquest and that, at present, must adapt to the modernization. Standardised Testing Name: Institution: Abstract This paper explores two published books that touched on pros and cons of standardized testing in schools. Plant hybridization refers to a process of interfering with the natural plant breeding process. Benefits Of Cultural diversity. It is generally the deliberate breeding of two different varieties within the same species of plant and is something called selective breeding. Give advantages and/or disadvantages. • It is a camouflage; hybridity as heresy. These elements, such as food, language, fashion, or music,... See full answer below. 10.15760/etd.937 This … The contributors in this volume assume the historicity of transcultural flows and entanglements; they consider the resulting transformative powers to be a basic feature of cultural change. Pros and Cons of Affirmative Action 2 The Pros and Cons of Affirmative Action in the Workplace According to the Encarta Dictionary, affirmative action (AA) is a policy or program aimed at countering discrimination against minorities and women, especially in employment and education. Cultural globalization refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings, and values around the world in such a way as to extend and intensify social relations. Hybridization, however, is not merely the mixing, blending and synthesizing of different elements that ultimately forms a culturally faceless whole. 1. Advantages of Cultural Relativism. When the world is growing closer, new and more proficient linkages are being created among people from various cultures. Specifically, the study explores the construction of glocalization, cultural hybridization and cultural discourse embedded in the two transnational Chinese martial arts movies, i.e. The cultural homogenization is the process that local cultures are changed or assimilated by the dominant outside culture (O’Connor, 2006). Literary benefits of linguistic and cultural hybridity 1. Globalisation has played a significant role of cultural exchange between countries, presenting both negative and positive characteristics. Hybridization has become part of an ongoing trend in cultural production, with both the globalization and localization of the culture industry. I feel that without cultural hybridization, the world we live in would not be anywhere near as interesting and integrated as it is today. • Cultural hybridization is a universal process which is speeded up through interactions among societies. These can be analyzed in terms of three major theses, namely, homogenization, polarization, and hybridization. Having a diverse group of workers always enriches the office environment, improving the work culture. We are getting multi-cultural and slowly grasping the diversity of human culture. The term globalization basically refers to process and context of the world becoming integrated (Shim 2006). Understanding Cultural Hybridization and Globalization Through the Benefits and Risks on Economic Growth: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3042-9.ch010: The purpose of this writing is to critically examine various issues and understand the main talking point in globalization, which is the impact it brings to 3. Similarly, Bhabha (1994) displaces hybridity from its racialized connotation to the semiotic field of culture. Although homogenizing influences exist as a result of this phenomenon, they are far from creating a single world culture. Cultural hybridization refers to the convergence of different elements of various cultures. Animal hybrids, such as the mating between two butterfly species, can fail to pass along brilliant colors or camouflage that protect butterflies from predators. While the cultural hybridization emphasizes the mixing of cultures as a result of globalization and the production, out of the integration of the global and the local of new and unique hybrid cultures that are not reducible to either the local or the global cultures. Hybridity itself, however, is often treated as a specifically post-colonial phenomenon. 10. 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