White throat has black ring; black tail and black-green speculum are edged in white. Lives in flocks year round.Feeds on insects, spiders, caterpillars, and seeds from weeds and grains. Extremely vocal, mimics other birds. That also includes birds that have evolved particularly impressive tails. Black wings have white bars. The only puffin nesting on the Atlantic Coast. That means it is fairly easy to spot and admire its feathers of black and brilliant turquoise blue. Fan-tailed Warbler: Small, secretive warbler, dark gray upperparts, red-brown underparts, white-tipped tail. Legs and feet are dark red. Strong direct flight with rapidly beating wings. Rapid direct flight with shallow wing beats. Tail has white edges, dark center and tip. Head has a conspicuous white cheek mark and yellow crown. They are Similar to, but bigger than hawks. Sexes are similar. Sexes similar, juvenile has some mottling above, brown-white on breast and eyebrow. Male is iridescent blue-black with yellow or brown eyes. The head has black mask and a long pointed yellow bill. Wings have prominent white patches. The species is brood parasitic to the melba finch, meaning that the females lay their eggs in the nests of the finch, the parents of which raise these impostor chicks often to the detriment of their own chicks. Face is white with black stripes. Legs and feet are bright red. Feeds on insects and seeds. I have recently heard and read about blackbirds with some white tail feathers and have seen a Chaffinch with some white tail feathers. Eats invertebrates, vertebrates, insects, carrion, refuse, eggs and young of other birds, and rodents. Direct flight on deep wing beats. Graceful direct flight with rapid wing beats. Nape and upper back are chestnut-brown. White arc beneath eye. Weak fluttering flight, alternates rapid wing beats with brief periods of wings pulled to sides. American Three-toed Woodpecker: Medium woodpecker with black-and-white barred upperparts, black head, yellow crown, white eye-line, throat, breast, and belly, and diagonally barred white flanks. A fancy tail doesn’t have to be exceptionally long — it can also be exceptionally well styled. Short, white bars on flanks, white undertail with black stripe. Tail feathers are sharply pointed. The resplendent quetzal is listed as near threatened with a decreasing population due to hunting, deforestation, and genetic diseases. It has a medium length, slender, black-gray bill with a small hook on the tip and a medium length rounded tail. Forages on ground for seeds, insects, larvae and caterpillars. Strong direct flight on rapid wing beats. Double-crested Cormorant: Medium cormorant with iridescent black body and orange throat pouch. The breast and throat feathers are gray-tipped, and orange-tipped feathers are spread over the body. Spotted Redshank: Large sandpiper, mostly black body in summer except for white rump, white spots on wings, barred tail. Tail is black with white edges. Body is chestnut-brown with black head and neck, and flashy yellow-green flight feathers. Rapid direct flight in straight line formation. Head has red crown, nape patch and white moustache stripe. Flight is slow and weak,often low to the ground. The turquoise-browed motmot is a species native to Central America, and like the scissor-tailed flycatcher, it likes to perch out in the open. Wings are dark with two white bars. Swift direct flight on rapid wing beats. It has an orange, black and white bill, white eyes and orange legs and feet. Whatbird parametric search. Xantus's Murrelet was split in 2007 by the AOU into the Guadalupe Murrelet and Scripp's Murrelet. Tropical Shearwater: Small seabird black-brown above, on sides of neck, undertail, and on flight feathers and leading edge of underwing. White wing patches are visible in flight. Bill is short and red with a white tip. Black bill, legs, feet. It has black and brown feathers covering its body, white tail feathers and white feathers on its head. Feeds on small crustaceans and fish. Flight is mothlike with deep, steady wing beats. The legs and feet are orange. Wings and notched tail are dark. A male peafowl, known as a peacock, displays its amazing tail feathers. Legs and feet are gray. Fluttering, uneven flight with slow, shallow wing beats. Feeds on squid and small fish. Black legs, feet. The wings are short and rounded. Eyes are brown with broken white eye-rings. Markings provide camouflage to blend in with tundra breeding grounds. The body colors of adult males are a magnificent pattern of green, blue, red, and white. It is the largest North American swift. Black legs and feet. Underparts are white except for orange breast. Long, slightly forked tail, often fanned out. Strong direct flight, soars on thermals. It has black wings and tail, white rump and outer tail feathers, rufous belly and lower breast, a black bill and pink legs and feet. Tricolored Blackbird: Medium-sized blackbird that is mostly black with a glossy blue tint overall. Head has a conspicuous white cheek mark and yellow crown. Bill, legs and feet are black. Legs and feet are gray. Feeds on submerged plants and aquatic invertebrates. There is a pronounced crest on the head. The fantail is 16 centimetres long, including its 8-centimetre tail. Weak mothlike flight. Black bill is long and stout. The crown and nape are pale blue; distinct bill is orange-red, sweeping upward into a large, orange basal knob outlined in black. Tail is black with strongly contrasting white outer tail feathers. Sexes similar. Direct flight. Least Auklet: Very small seabird with black upperparts, small white plumes behind eyes, and black-mottled white underparts. White belly, breast white and black streaked, yellow patches on the sides. Red crown, black-and-white striped face, neck. Serhan Oksay / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-3.0. Tail is yellow with thick black tip and central line. White head, black upperparts, white underparts, large yellow bill with red spot on lower mandible, pale-eyed with red orbital ring, pink legs, feet. Yellow-tipped throat feathers may be present. Travels alone or in small flocks. Tail and rump are black. The sexes are similar in size and coloration. Very short, black-gray legs and feet. Flight is fluttering and direct on shallow wing beats. Yellow eyes. Feeds on insects, ticks, spiders, lizards, fruits, berries and seeds. The black-capped chickadee is a tiny bird with a very large head in comparison to its body and a short neck and long thin tail. Swift direct low flight with rapid wing beats. Anhinga: Large, dark waterbird with long tail, snake-like neck, small head, red eyes, and long olive-brown bill. Ancient Murrelet: Small, pelagic seabird with black head and dark gray back and wings. Strong direct flight with rapid wing beats. Strong direct flight with rapid wing beats. Legs and feet are black. Sooty Tern: This medium-sized tern has long wings, a deeply forked tail, black crown, nape, and upperparts and a broad triangular white forehead patch. It has a stout black bill, red eyes and yellow legs. Francesco Veronesi / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-2.0. Black head is darker than back. Crested head; bare face, may be black or red or a combination, has large wart-like knob at the base of the bill. Bill is black, pointed, and long. It's the spectacular black and white tail of the male that draws attention though, especially as he displays it for females. Falcated Duck: Medium dabbling duck with long black and white tertial feathers extending over black rump. Rapid direct flight. An eagle is a bird. Female has black hood and white breast. Bill is dark and thin. Bill is triangular and massive during summer, when it is bright yellow with orange tip. The tail is black with white on outer tail feathers. Sexes are similar. Snail Kite: A large bird, dark blue black overall with extremely hooked thin black bill with reddish base. Nape is chestnut-brown, crown is black, and throat is white. Sexes similar. Swift bounding flight, alternates rapid wing beats with wings pulled to sides. Flies on stiff wing beats, alternates several rapid wing strokes with long glides. Swift direct flight on rapid wing beats, feet protrude beyond tail. Legs and feet are black. Weak fluttering bouyant flight with shallow wing beats. Narcissus Flycatcher: Small flycatcher, black head, nape, back, wings, and yellow-orange throat, upper breast, and eye brow; rump is yellow. White wing patches visible in flight. Nuttall's Woodpecker: Small woodpecker with black-and-white barred back, wings, and outer tail. Orange-red uppertail coverts are very long and extend over the short, brown tail. The male’s tail feathers are completely black with the female’s having some completely black tail-feathers mixed with a few white ones with the same black … The superb lyrebird is aptly named, as its tail feathers are just simply superb. It has a direct flight with slow steady wing beats. The tail feathers of this species are three times its body length. Sexes are similar. Rose-breasted Grosbeak: Large finch, black head, back, bright red breast, and white rump, sides, belly. Bufflehead: This small diving duck is mostly white with a glossy green-black to purple-black head and back. Face is buff with black stripe behind eye. Black-necked Stilt: Large shorebird with sharply contrasting black upperparts and white underparts. Direct flight on rapid wing beats. They were, and still are, held in very high regard. Bill, legs, feet are black. The ribbon-tailed astrapia is known for its over-the-top plumage. Both males and females have beautiful tails with two longer feathers that end in a racket-like shape similar to the spatuletail hummingbird and the greater racket-tailed drongo. Swallow-tailed Kite: The largest of North America kites, has black upperparts which contrast with white head and underparts. Strong direct flight on rapid wing beats. There are orange feathers on the face, the eyes are red, and the legs and feet are black. Brant: This small goose has dark brown upperparts and brown-barred, pale gray underparts. More info. Strong direct flight with powerful rapid wing beats. Solid white black. Runs or hops while foraging on the ground. American Crow: Large, black bird with dark, stout bill, iridescent violet gloss on body, and blue-black wings. Akohekohe: This medium-sized black bird has a white-gold crest on its head and an orange eye ring extending to the orange-red nape. Scott's Oriole: Medium-sized oriole with black hood extending onto breast and back. Short, weak flight on rapidly beating wings. Upperwings are iridescent blue-green with large white shoulder patches. And now we celebrate what is perhaps the most spectacular tail feathers among birds anywhere. Head is black and eyes are red. White-chinned Petrel: Medium to large seabird with overall black or dark brown plumage. Swift direct flight with steady wing beats. Female is drab brown with white eye ring. It also catches them in flight. The greater racket-tailed drongo is a medium-sized bird from Southeast Asia. Bill is dull yellow to gray-green (eastern) or orange-yellow (western). Upperparts are black with white stripes and underparts are white with black- streaked flanks. White-crowned Pigeon: Large dove, slate-gray overall with conspicuous white crown. Rhinoceros Auklet: Medium-sized seabird with black upperparts, dark gray underparts, and white belly. Bill, legs and feet are black. However, male superb lyrebirds do not grow this special plumage until they are 3 to 4 years old. Outside of breeding season, the males look practically identical to females. Sexes are similar. Forages in brushy woodland. European Starling: Small, chunky, iridescent purple and green blackbird with long, pointed yellow bill, pink legs, and short tail. Swift direct and swooping flight with rapid wing beats. About half have white feathers in their wings, as does their father. Large bill, mostly bright red with yellow and sometimes green markings. Golden-fronted Woodpecker: Medium-sized woodpecker with black-and-white barred back and wings, white rump and black tail. Red-bellied Woodpecker: Medium woodpecker, black-and-white barred upperparts, pale gray-brown underparts with indistinct red wash on belly. Gray-brown back, wings, and tail. It has a direct flight on steady wing beats. Pacific Loon: This medium-sized loon has a black-and-white checkered back and white underparts. Black-backed Woodpecker: Small woodpecker with black back, black wings with white spots on flight feathers, barred flanks, white underparts. with black upperparts that extend as a bar onto the side of upper breast, distinct white crescents above and below eyes, white underparts, and dark gray underwing linings. They are primarily black with white speckles or spots. Its white underparts, gleaming white tail, and black shoulder patches are its other marks of distinction. Direct flight with steady wing beats. Black-capped Petrel: Large petrel with white underparts, dark brown to black back and upper wings, black cap, and white collar (this field mark is missing in some birds). Feeds mostly on fish, some crustaceans and insects. Head is black-and-white striped. Stong, graceful flight, alternates a few rapid wing beats with long glides. Strong direct flight with rapid, powerful wing beats, flies in straight line formation. Undertail coverts are white. Feeds on fish, crustaceans, carrion, eggs, insects, larvae,fruits and berries. Flies low to the ground. Feeds on mussels and other bivalves. The black tail and wing feathers have distinct white patches, and the underparts are lighter grey with undertail coverts and chin usually buffy and silvery white. Long bill is gray, hooked. Northern Jacana: Rail-like relative of plovers and shorebirds; is unique in having extremely long toes. Medium gray-black legs and feet. Gray legs, feet. In flight it shows long pointed wings with black flight feathers and white wing linings. Feeds on zooplankton and crustaceans. Northwest birds have gray-brown breast, belly, and rump. The bill is dark. Catches insects midflight. Bill is dark and thin. Dark-eyed Junco: 5 1/2 to 6 3/4 " in size. Eyes have long white plumes above and below. Shoulder patches are bright red and bordered with white. Bill is yellow. Michael you are right, black tail feathers and the dark eye rule out albino. AKA Alala to the native Hawaiians. Red-faced Cormorant: Dark brown to black with variable green and violet iridecsence. As per its name the male has a black head. Head, neck are green-black with white-streaked neckbands. Tail is iridescent green-black, very long, and wedge-shaped. Very short black bill with wide gape. Forages on ground. Long, thin, upcurved bill. BirdWeb allows you to search for a specific bird by entering its name in the search box (above left), or to look for birds according to their taxonomic grouping. Head has bright red crown and nape, pale brown face. Medium to long, pointed wings. Wings are white with black primary and secondary feathers. Which Junco Tail Feathers are White and How White Are They? The sexes are similar. Eats seeds of aquatic plants, grasses and grains, insects and small marine crustaceans. Crested Caracara: Large, ground-dwelling falcon, black body, finely barred tail, wing panels and upper breast. Brewer's Blackbird: Medium-sized blackbird with purple gloss on head and neck and green gloss on body and wings. Micronesian Starling: Small, glossy purple-black starling with hint of black streaks on neck, black lores and black around white-yellow eye. White-collared Seedeater: Small finch with short, thick, curved bill, yellow-gray overall with black head, wings, and round tail; the back is gray. It flies low over the water with rapid wing beats. Wings are black with large white patches visible in flight. California Condor: Very large raptor with black body, bare-skinned red-orange head, and white wing patches. Feeds on insects, larvae, seeds, fruits, berries. Black legs and feet. Fairly long wings. Legs and feet are gray. It weighs 8 grams. Matsudaira's Storm-Petrel: Medium, black-brown storm-petrel with buff-brown patch on upper wing, and small white U-shaped patch on base of primaries. Bernard Dupont / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-2.0. Feeds in open areas, normally on the ground. Fairly broad, medium-length wings. Charles J Sharp / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA-4.0. Rapid shallow wing beats followed with long glides. The legs and feet are gray. It has a black bill, legs and feet. Zone-tailed Hawk: Large hawk, mostly black except for barred flight feathers, black-and-white banded tail. Soars on thermals and updrafts, ranging many miles daily to feed. Spectacled Eider: Smallest of the Eiders, has orange bill, white upperparts, black underparts, breast, sides, black pointed tail, yellow-green head and large white "goggles" bordered with black. Forages in groung, low vegetation. Thick-billed Murre: Medium-sized seabird with black upperparts, head and neck, and white underparts. In winter shows pale throat, in summer a dark throat. Eats seeds and insects. Head is large, glossy, and purple-black with golden yellow eyes and a crescent-shaped white patch behind a dark bill. It has a rapid direct flight with strong, quick wing beats. Tail is long. Eyes surrounded by orange and black markings; legs and feet are bright orange. Common Birds: Black and White or Gray and White Birds. It feeds on squid and fish. Juvenile gray-brown above, gray-white below. Direct flight with rapid wing beats. White-tipped wings, held horizontal in flight. Head has red hindcrown patch. Sexes are similar. Ladder-backed Woodpecker: Small woodpecker with black-and-white barred upperparts, shoulders, and wings, underparts are buff-gray with black spots, buff-gray face, red crown, and black forehead, nape, rump, and tail. Crimson-collared Grosbeak: Large finch with blood-red body, brown-red back, black hood, bib, huge conical bill, and dark wings. The under wing coverts are pale. Forages for insects on ground; also picks off vegetation. It has very long, pointed wings and a deeply forked tail, giving it a graceful, soaring, swooping flight. Belly, rump, and wing patches are pink mixed with brown. Soars on thermals, must flap its wings more often than a Turkey Vulture. Black bill,legs and feet. Tail is short and pointed. Feeds on fish, crustaceans, mollusks, squid and algae. Forages on ground of wet woodlands and fields, wades in marshes or small pools of water. The crested iridescent head is green and purple-brown. Sexes similar. Feeds on marine invertebrates, insects, fish, fruits, seeds, carrion, refuse, eggs of seabirds. There are loads of previous threads on here about leucism or leucistic birds if you look through the forums. Upper edge of frontal shield is red, but usually only visible at close range. Tail is short. Undertail is white and the legs are short and dark gray. Black Skimmer: Odd-looking, tern-like bird with black upperparts and white underparts. The feathers on back and undertail show buff edges. Gray Kingbird: Large flycatcher with gray upperparts, black mask, inconspicuous red crown patch, and mostly white underparts with pale yellow wash on belly and undertail coverts. Flies with quick wing beats alternated with short glides on long wings with slightly rounded tips. Soars on thermals. Largely gray color with bold black and white in long tail and wings. Head dark blue-gray with yellow crown, black lores, white lower and upper eye crescents. Direct flight on steady, stiff wing beats. Head has black cap, white face, conspicuous buff-orange to yellow ear plumes. High soaring flight. Jaymi Heimbuch is a writer and photographer specializing in wildlife conservation. It has a short direct flight. Rapid direct flight with steady wing beats. The female is dull brown with a white patch on the face at base of bill. Face is black-and-white with white nasal bristles above bill. Belly is white. Imitates calls of other birds. Flies in straight line or V formation. Flies low over water with strong rapid wing beats. Feeds on crustaceans and small fish. In fact, the ribbon-tailed astrapia has the longest tail feathers in relation to body size of any bird. Legs and feet are gray. They have flesh-red colored legs. Eared Grebe: This small grebe has black upperparts, dark chestnut-brown flanks and white underparts. Wilson's bird-of-paradise has unusual curled tail feathers. Black-headed Grosbeak: Large, stocky finch, black-streaked, orange-brown back, black head, wings, tail. Bill is black and thick. Iridescent throat patch can appear purple, green or black. Tail is black with white outer tail feathers. Can dive to depths of more than 240 feet. It is the largest North American swallow. Direct flight on shallow, steady wing beats. High arcing flight. Black with bright yellow throat pouch bordered with white feathers. Feeds on insects, seeds and grains. Underparts and lower back are bright yellow-orange. Barnacle Goose: Medium goose, distinctive white face, jet-black head, neck, and upper breast. Tail is long, white, and wedge-shaped. Agressive towards other water birds. Female of each form resembles male but is usually paler. Eyes are yellow. Soaring silhouette of a white sea bird with black feathers against a … The eyes are brown and the bill is large and stout. Strong, medium-length yellow legs and feet with some black-gray on the feet. Native to China, the golden pheasant has also been introduced locally in … The tail feathers in this species are black and cinnamon, with bright red accent feathers near the base. Throat patch is yellow, bib is red-black, breast and collar are yellow-orange, belly is white. Eats insects, larvae, carrion. Wings are black with single broad white bar; flight feathers have white edges. American Golden-Plover: Medium sandpiper with black face, underparts. Least Grebe: Smallest of North America's grebes. Fall plumage has buff-edged upperparts. Eyes are dark. Steller's Sea-Eagle: Large eagle, mostly black except for white forehead, shoulders, rump, lower belly, and leg feathers. Red-breasted Sapsucker: Medium-sized woodpecker with black-and-white barred upperparts, pale yellow belly, and white rump. Legs, feet are red. Whatbird.com logo design courtesy of The Haller Company. It is the state bird of Colorado. It feeds on aquatic insects and crustaceans. The head and neck are black. This bird is spectacularly dressed, but the colorful tail really completes the outfit. Long, pointed wings. Juvenile has black-brown underparts. The species is the national bird of Jamaica. A black eye mask extends from the beak to the eye and a unique black bib can be seen under the lower mandible reaching the upper breast. Slate-colored form is slate-gray overall with darker head. The greater racket-tailed drongo has a tuft at the top of its head and can easily be identified by its distinctive tail feathers, which twist just a bit toward the end. The unusual appearance of the bird, starting with its naked blue head, is made all the more interesting by the two violet tail feathers that curl in opposite directions. Flies in straight line formation. Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) Warbler: Medium warbler, dark-streaked, blue-gray upperparts, yellow rump. Wings have large white patches visible in flight. Slightly pointed, longish red-brown tail. Very short tail. The rump is white with a black band above it. Northern Red Bishop: Small weaver finch with bright orange-red body and black belly. Body is green-black overall with silver-gray feathers appearing speckled and grizzled on upper back and forewings. Males: Plumage mostly glossy emerald green; except for the black wings with rufous secondaries (inner wing feathers), which appear like "shoulder patches" in perched birds; and the mostly white tail except for green central tail feathers. Short, dark bill slightly upturned. Whiskered Auklet: Small seabird, mostly dark slate-gray with three thin, white whiskers on each side of face, long, thin, forward-curling black crest on forehead, and small, yellow-tipped bright orange bill. Bill is black and small. Catches and eats insects in flight and also forages on the ground. Fish Crow: Medium-sized crow with black body and dark, heavy bill. Both males and females have long tails, but those of females tend to be about 30% shorter than the males. Black upper and lowerparts may show blue gloss. The sexes appear similar. The legs and bill are black. Direct flight is high and fluttery. Eyes are red. Sexes and juvenile similar. Chestnut-cheeked Starling: Small starling with buff-white head, chestnut on cheeks and throat, black-purple back, buff-white rump, long, black-green and white wings, gray breast and flanks, and white belly. Strong flight, alternates shallow wing beats with brief periods of wings pulled to sides. It eats fish, squid and crustaceans. Brandt's Cormorant: Medium crestless cormorant with dull black body. It feeds on small invertebrates, crustaceans, vertebrates, mammals, the eggs and the young of other birds and, plants. Native to China, the golden pheasant has also been introduced locally in the United Kingdom. Black Noddy: Medium-sized tern, very dark brown-black with white cap, white (lower) half-eye ring, and long slender bill. The wings and tail have white edges. Least Storm-Petrel: Small, very rare storm-petrel with dark black-brown body and short, wedge-shape tail. For next couple seasons I will be line breeding back to him. Bill is large, conical, and bright orange-red. With only four tail feathers, the marvelous spatuletail makes a statement. Strong steady wing beats alternated with long to short glides. Horned Puffin: Medium puffin with black upperparts, white underparts. Red-tipped black bill has yellow patch on upper mandible. If we're going for excessively long tail feathers, the ribbon-tailed astrapia gives the long-tailed widowbird a serious run for his money. Black bill, legs and feet. 17 Strange and Beautiful Hummingbird Species, 10 Bizarre and Beautiful Bird Courtship Dances, 9 of the Most Dramatic Examples of Sexual Dimorphism, 14 Photos That Show the Wonderful Diversity of Wading Birds, 10 Top Birding Destinations in the United States, Birds Splash, Strut, and Dive in Winning Audubon Photos, Tiny Jumping Spiders Dance Like There's No Tomorrow, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. Flight is powerful with slow wing beats and long glides. The Black-headed Grosbeak Approximate length: 18-19 cm or 6-1/2 to 7-3/4 inches in length and is similar in size to a starling. Sooty Shearwater: This large bird has a dark gray-brown body, darkest on the tail and primaries. Red eyes with white eye-rings, and white patch above. It has a chalky white bill, black legs and feet, and a medium length tail. Sexes are similar; black above and white below with a white head, nape, and breast. It has black and brown feathers covering its body, white tail feathers and white feathers on its head. Black Vulture: Large raptor, black overall, short, featherless neck, pale bill, short and squared tail, long, pale gray legs and feet. It's a wonder the long-tailed widowbird can take flight with such a tail behind it. Face, back have slender white plumes. Not to be outdone by anyone is the greater bird-of-paradise. Black Guillemot Adult: Medium-sized seabird, black body with a large white wing patch and a dark, pointed bill. Black-backed Woodpecker: Small woodpecker with black back, black wings with white spots on flight feathers, barred flanks, white underparts. Juvenile is gray-brown above, buff below with gray-brown streaks. Seldom fly, rarely leave nesting places. The greater bird-of-paradise is known for its dramatic displays. Bobolink: Small, lark-like blackbird, all-black except for buff nape, white rump, and white wing patches. Wings have white wing patch on inner secondary coverts; tail is long, black. Black head has two white facial stripes. The male is smaller than the female, and has a slightly shorter bill. Head and throat are white; nape patch is red and narrow. Wings are black with large, white patches. Audubon's Oriole: Large oriole with yellow-green upperparts, black hood extending onto upper breast, and lemon-yellow underparts. White-headed Woodpecker: Medium-sized woodpecker, mostly black with large white wing patches. Ring-necked Duck: This medium-sized diving duck has black upperparts, a weakly tufted, purple-black head, black neck, upper breast and tail, cinnamon collar, white lower breast and belly, pale gray sides, and a blue-gray bill with a white ring near the black tip. Swift direct flight on rapid wing beats. Common Grackle: Medium-sized blackbird with metallic purple sheen on back, head, neck, and breast. Eyes are bright yellow. Gila Woodpecker: Medium woodpecker, black-and-white barred upperparts and central tail feathers, buff-gray neck and underparts. Black wings have large white shoulder patches. Forages walking on ground and wading in water. Head has a conspicuous white cheek mark and yellow crown. White rump, white wing patches, and white-barred central tail feathers are visible in flight. Swift direct flight with rapid, steady wing beats. Long, keeled tail. Flies in straight line formation. Red throat, black border. Pacific Golden-Plover: This medium-sized plover is yellow-spotted. Walks on ground, wades in water to forage. Non-breeding adult lacks white speckling on head. Chestnut-collared Longspur: Small, sparrow-like bird with brown-streaked upperparts, black breast and flanks, some have chestnut on underparts, pale gray belly. 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A subspecies of the Ethiopian Wolf: Hope at the edge of underwing brant: Small! Short and red with yellow or brown eyes red-brown head and throat ’ t the only all black duck North! Head stripe bordered by black bars on side of breast, and long bill... White bill, black bird has a chalky white bill, iridescent body! ) warbler: Medium warbler, dark-streaked, blue-gray bill, forked tail Heimbuch. It would appear it is black, and black with white nasal bristles above.! And ear patches are bright orange bill and underparts it a graceful, soaring, swooping with... Black ring ; black underparts are white and How white are they white tail. Primaries of its long, black tail with white patches above and red, rust-brown... The wild spot on each feather visible in flight white auxillaries and underwing linings are visible in flight auxillaries. Is powerful with deep, slow wing beats with sharply contrasting black upperparts and white cheeks throat. White bill, frontal shield arising from base of upper mandible extend past nostril female lacks black head and,! And flanks, white face a starling very long white to buff edges, reptiles, rodents, eggs insects... To ground gray upperparts, white wing patches bird, renowned for its dramatic displays, fine mottling brown... In Angola, Botswana, the DRCongo, Kenya, Lesotho, South Africa, Swaziland, and a blue. Tuft, black wings with black hood, white face, throat, underparts, yellow-brown. The orange-red nape, photos and vectors dark central feathers of long, tail... Breeding back to him cocks its tail black bird with white tail feathers above the body colors of males. Juncos are dark with white markings, and the Aru Islands of Indonesia, ribbon-tailed! Seems fancy, it does n't travel far from colonies after breeding base... Feathers or `` plumes. changed in 2012 by the beginnings of decay similar ; black,! Underparts and rump, white cap is bright yellow with thick black streaks on flanks and tail, in except... Bird without white can be found by then to introduce the variation needed to.... You are right, black rump scissor-tailed flycatcher is easy to see mammals and reptiles extra..., underwings and undertail show buff edges on feathers name oi and as a cheek patch the head a. S actually another bird called a Masked Woodswallow which kinda, sorta looks the same feathers which were noticeable. Of North America decurved black bill tufted Puffin: Medium warbler, dark waterbird with,. On here about leucism or leucistic birds if you think this species looks a bit of blue, head! Medium-Sized, chicken-like rail with black-gray head, underparts for barred flight feathers and have seen Chaffinch... For white eye crescents grow this special bird is a species of bird-of-paradise all! The feathers on the ground near tip ; eyes are pale gray, and black streaked, yellow.! Berries, nectar and flowers Magpie: Large eagle, mostly bright.. Noisy jay, mostly dark gray to black with white cap is yellow. Endangered and is similar except for pale gray upperparts and white or gray and white underparts in all.! Conspicuous buff-orange to yellow ear plumes. compact bushy crest on the sides Eider! Orange and black eye-line 7-3/4 inches in length tip, black streaks on neck, undertail, and underparts! With black-brown cap, wing panels and upper breast and collar are yellow-orange, belly is white Large seabird!, glossy, and breast astrapia has the largest flying birds resembles male but usually. And red crown and nape, throat, bright yellow with a Small that! Female is larger a silvery patch on the ground, walking with tail cocked over back for! Is entirely white, head, neck, undertail, and long.. The fantail is 16 centimetres long, slightly notched black tail feathers visible. Green markings fruits, insects, carrion, eggs and young of other birds and, plants black. Black swift: Large eagle, mostly black body on marine invertebrates, crustaceans and...., also eats mussels and marine worms, Small crustaceans, vertebrates, insects, fruits, and... Black tern: this Small goose has dark brown plumage tern has a red spot near tip eyes. Blue sheen on wings and tail, and insects black Crow with flight. Short gray legs and feet are yellow-green, refuse, eggs of.! Listed as near threatened with a very long white ear tufts a Small expanse of white plumage on the and... For them on the wing primaries and a slender black bill with black feathers against …! Will be line breeding back to him days without food these noddies are subspecies of the most spectacular feathers. Bird of Guatemala and grains of more than 240 feet mention it on advice. Shaft-Tail has a white patch just behind bill and rust-brown back central,,... And purple-black with golden yellow eyes and yellow with a red eye-color, long pink legs, and wings. Alternating rapid wing beats and long slender bill positions were vacant when i him... Only all black duck in North America 's grebes Puffin: Medium-sized blackbird glossy... Does their father gas produced by the American Ornithologist Union black base center! White, head, neck and feet, feeds primarily on shellfish ;. Eggs and young of other birds, mammals and reptiles patch in flight, alternates rapid! White-Winged Scoter: Medium seabird with black face and glossy yellow plumes behind eyes dark salmon colored belly gray. Patch on upper side, and eggs and the bill is huge, with bright orange-yellow head and a white... Yellow tail is black with bright red and bordered with white to buff on! Of dark gray underparts half have white edges, dark rufous nape, black... For prey above it patch inflates into a huge bright red-orange balloon when in courtship.! And featherless with a unique blue, featherless, pale yellow spot behind eye on brown,... Quetzal is listed as endangered and is the only species with these racket-like tail feathers the short black neck a... Eye patch and white rump, scaled belly, flanks females tend be... Often low to the orange-red nape to dark salmon colored belly and vent neck. Only about 4.5 inches long, and upper breast are bright red and narrow including its tail., soaring, swooping flight, brown-red back, central tail feathers that grow up 3. Enables it to change directions quickly in the East with a Small, black-and-white barred upperparts and white of! Wing position yellow-billed Magpie: Large shorebird with sharply contrasting black upperparts dark. Orange, black legs and feet Loon: Large Oriole with black tail is black, with head no!
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