Terms : Hide Images. Colonialism is the policy of a country seeking to extend or retain its authority over other people or territories, generally with the aim of economic dominance. How … THE DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION Stage One: CBR- very high CDR- very high NIR- low Population Growth: Low Stage Two: CBR- very high CDR- plummets NIR- high Population Growth: High Movement from Stage One to Stage Two: MDC- Industrial Revolution LDC- Medical Revolution Movement from Stage Two to Stage Three: … Geopolitics are politics influenced by geography. the theory that early Proto-Indo-European speakers spread westward on horseback, overpowering earlier inhabitants and beginning the diffusion and differentiation of Indo-European tounges. H. J. Learn more. 51.Self-determination the right of a nation to govern itself autonomously 52. agriculture theory. Foundations of Economic Geography. Example: car dealerships being close to each other, Definition:the gross value of the product minus the costs of raw materials and energy. Definition of LOCATION THEORY in the Definitions.net dictionary. Definition:to divide (a geographic area) into voting districts so as to give unfair advantage to one party in elections Example: Illinois 4th, Definition:a new apportionment of voters Example: a reallotment of congressional seats in the United States on the basis of census results, Definition:1994, constitution for the ocean to protect resources; specifically in ocean Example: sets nautical boundaries, Definition:government free from external control Example: America after revolutionary war, Definition:an area of instability between regions with opposing political and cultural values Example: Gaza Strip, Definition:Cities opened to foreign residents as a result of the forced treaties between the Qing Empire and foreign signatories. This theory regards political history as a continuous struggle between land and sea powers with the ultimate victory going to the continental power. AP Human Geography GEOGRAPHY OF LANGUAGES CHAPTER OUTLINE I. This assertion was also supported by Kjellen. given the modest numbers of pre-columbian peoples in the americas and their recent arrival, one would assume that the linguistic situation should be fairly simple because: Definition. ____ model is used by … Example: Washington DC during Civil War had Maryland left the Union, Definition:the political theory that if one nation comes under Communist control then neighboring nations will also come under Communist control Example: China and North Korea, Definition:a political barrier that isolated the peoples of Eatern Europe after WWII, restricting their ability to travel outside the region Example: caused by democracy vs communism, Definition:policy of imperialism rationalized as inevitable (as if granted by God) Example: American Westward Expansion, Definition:an organization of independent states formed in 1945 to promote international peace and security Example: oversees most international disputes, Definition:venture involving 3 or more national states political economic or cultural cooperation to promote shared objectives Example: E.U, Definition:international organization of European countries formed after World War II to reduce trade barriers and increase cooperation among its members Example: has since become a major power involving much more than economic interests, Definition:total value of all goods and services produced by a country’s economy in a year Example: in 2013, America’s gnp was 16.99 trillion, Definition: Basic:Industries that sell their products or services primarily to consumers outside the settlements Example: Foreign airlines operating in America Non-Basic:Industries that sell their products primarily to consumers in the community. Definition. Based on the idea that certain types of political and economic relations (especially colonialism) between countries and regions of the world have created arrangements that both control and limit the extent to which regions can develop. Malthusian definition is - of or relating to Malthus or to his theory that population tends to increase at a faster rate than its means of subsistence and that unless it is checked by moral restraint or disaster (such as disease, famine, or war) widespread poverty and degradation inevitably result. The Drive to maturity 5. Example: Oil Refineries being close to pumps, Definition:the ability of an individual, firm, or country to produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than other producers Example: grocery store sales, Definition:a type of economy in which human groups live off the land with little or no surplus Example: relies on natural resources other than purchasing them from other companies, Definition:those parts of our environment available to everyone but for which no single individual has responsibility Example: the atmosphere, fresh water, forests, wildlife, and ocean fisheries, Definition:incresed wealth for upper class means benifit for the lower class Example: things that happen in the market affect the consumers, Definition:divides the more developed north from the less developed south Example: imaginary boundary splitting rich and poor, Definition:control by a powerful country of its former colonies (or other less developed countries) by economic pressures Example: British commonwealth, Definition:The stimulation of economic growth by growth itself. conquest theory One major theory of how Proto-Indo-European diffused into Europe which holds that the early speakers of Proto-Indo-European spread westward on horseback, overpowering earlier inhabitants and beginning the diffusion and differentiation of Indo-European tongues Terms of Service. Meaning of LOCATION THEORY. It is only used to allow you to reset your password. 1. It is only used to allow you to reset your password. If you knew the answer, tap the green Know box. For details read our De Blij People, Place, and Culture (8th edition) Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 7. early Pro-Indo-European speakers spread West by horsenack, overpowering, beginning diffusion and differentiation of the Indo-European tongues, began as a Pidgin language, but later adopted as mother tongue by the people of the mother tongue land, variant of a language (pronounciation, grammar, and vocabulary). With more than 300 entries written by an international team of leading authorities in the field, the Encyclopedia of Human Geography offers a comprehensive o This theory was proposed by Sir Halford Mackinder in his 1904 essay, “The Geographical Pivot of History.” There is a lot to this theory and its importance, so let’s outline some key terms: 1. Since its inception, humanistic geography has often been contested as a “real” discipline. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. AP Human Geography: ... We applied this theory to geography as well. The facts were that food is necessary for survival and that men and women would continue to produce offspring. A theory was created after the Heartland Theory which was termed the “Rimland Theory” –Nicholas Spykman theorized that the Heartland controls the land; but the Rimland controls the sea Rimland is on the outer parts of the Heartland –Also theorized that is was critical for rimland places to forge alliances with either themselves or S ov erig n ty u pm d lca w 53.S t a epo lic y rg nz db f u a single government. Embed Code - If you would like this activity on your web page, copy the script below and paste it into your web page. In the treaty ports, foreigners enjoyed extraterritoriality Example: controlled who China traded with, Definition:the formal act of acquiring something (especially territory) by conquest or occupation Example: Texas after conflict with Mexico, Definition:A meeting from 1884-1885 at which representatives of European nations agreed on rules colonization of Africa Example: caused conflict since the borders set at the conference didn’t coincide with cultural boundaries, Definition:attempt by one country to establish settlements and to impose its political, economic, and cultural principles in another territory Example: British Empire, Definition:Control of territory already occupied and organized by an indigenous society Example:Jamestown, Definition:a policy of cultural extension and potential political expansion by a country aimed at a group of its nationals living in a neighboring country Example: Romans allowing some identity of conquered areas, Definition:Formally independent, but under heavy influence or control by another country Example: Cuba during Cold War, Definition:The part of a governmental unit which oversees noncriminal matters Example: government recreational services, Definition:the act of forming an alliance or confederation Example: CSA during civil war, Definition:the spread of representative government to more countries and the process of making governments more representative Example: South Korea. AP Human Geography Scoring Guidelines \(2017\) Author: The College Board Subject: AP Human Geography Scoring Guidelines \(2017\) Keywords: AP Human Geography; Scoring Guidelines ; 2017; exam resources; exam information; teacher resources Created Date: 7/7/2017 2:23:25 PM. Introduction A. Then click 'Next Question' to answer the next question. The Bid-Rent Theory By. Neo-Malthusian theory holds that population growth is exponential and that human population growth can easily outstrip its food resources if not held in check with artificial birth control measures. Looking beyond the patterns on political maps helps us to understand the spatial outcomes of political processes and how political processes are themselves affected by spatial features. conquest theory. According to the College Board’s website, by the time students take their AP Human Geography exam they should be prepared to do the following: Use and think about maps and spatial data. At each location, somebody or some group seeks to establish the rules governing what happens in that space, … AP Human Geography - Conquest and Agriculture theory - YouTube To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity. Make sure to remember your password. We know that sometimes it's hard to find inspiration, so we provide you with hundreds of related samples. If you forget it there is no way for StudyStack When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. 2.3 Overpopulation In 1798, Thomas Malthus published a short but revolutionary work called “An Essay on the Principle of Population.” In that essay, Malthus states that future population growth would be determined by two facts and one opinion. When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, tap "retry" to try those cards again. Then tap the card to flip it. part of each of them combine into a simplified structure and vocabulary, Proto Indo-European came from Fertile Crescent, Anatolia into Europe, West Arc to North Africa and Arab, and East Arc into Iran , Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India, LEFT ARROW - move card to the Don't know pile. retry. to send you a reset link. Another part said it moved west. Cultures of all sizes fiercely protect their language 3. Otherwise, tap the red Don't know box. Introduction to Human Geography. Sometimes used (incorrectly, some critical theorists say) interchangeably with the concept of humanism because of its focus on the human in all its forms (e.g., agency, awareness, consciousness, creativity, etc. Since human geography is about how humans are impacted by geography, we would say geopolitics have a lot to do with APHG. AP Human Geography Chapter 9- Development (11 cards) 2015-03-03 3 AP Human Rubenstein Chapters 1-7 (43 cards) 2012-12-10 3 APHG Unit 2 Population Barrons & Rubenstein (88 cards) 2018-05-13 3. Save. In 1975, France banned the use of foreign words in advertisements, television and radio broadcasts, and official documents 4. Joshua Tosa Background: The Bid-Rent Theory was made in 1960 by William Alonso The model seeks to explain how price and demand for land changes as the distance from the CBD increases Assumptions of the Model What Does the Bid-Rent Theory state? 386334031 : Culture: The sum total of knowledge, attitudes and habitual behavior patterns shared and transmitted by the members of a society. Its hearth is around modern day Ukraine. English, German, Danish, Norweian, and Swedish, geographic boundary where linguist features occur, ancient language in the Mediterranean ports usually for trading and commerce, multilingual countries have language chosen by an eduacated, powerful elite, usually the language is spoken in Courts and in the government, where 2 or more languages come. Renfrew Hypothesis, Dispersal Theory, Conquest & Agricultural Theory (Diffusion of P.I.E. Language is at the heart of culture 1. human geography definition: 1. the study of the different ways in which human societies develop and operate in relation to…. Why am I qualified to answer this question? This AP Human Geography study guide is going to seek to describe the concept of devolution through the lens of the contemporary political-territorial world order. AP Human Geography Exam. Position of an object on the global grid; latitude and longitude. Because I took the test a couple years ago and got a 5, that’s why. Mackinder’s Heartland Theory: Mackinder gave this theory in 1904. Example: gourmet foods have a higher value added than fast foods, Definition:enerally a state’s EEZ extends to a distance of 200 nautical miles (370 km) out from its coast. Geography of Market Centers and Retail Distribution. #152107069 / gettyimages.com Japan is home of the world’s third largest economy, trailing only the United States and China, and has been viewed as the ultimate success story following the devastation of World War II. enviromental geography 50.Rimland theory Nicholas Spykman's theory that the domination of the coastal fringes of Eurasia would provided the base for world conquest. AP Human Geography is a serious course and includes many course goals. Unit I: Geography:. E-mail Citation » This is a seminal economic geography book seeking to establish central place theory as a deductive basis for understanding the regularities and patterns of retail and service sectors. If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just tap on the card to take it out of the box. Australia and Oceania’s physical geography, environment and resources, and human geography can be considered separately. Multiple languages. What does LOCATION THEORY mean? careful reconstruction of individual languages. Definition:the transfer of powers and responsibilities from the federal government to the states Example: The devolution in Africa after the European states gave the African states their independence. Information and translations of LOCATION THEORY in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. It differs from traditional Malthusian theory in the proposed birth control solution. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1967. They managed to transform a war battered country into a technological pioneer with a remarkably high standard of living. AP Human Geography: Exam Prep Final Free Practice Test Instructions Choose your answer to the question and click 'Continue' to see how you did. Example: America has a .915 hdi, Definition:which like things are put together to their benefit all businesses. Cultural Geography Historic Cultures Indigenous cultures shaped, and were shaped by, the geography of Australia and Oceania. Example: Sealand is just outside UK’s EEZ, Definition:government policy of encouraging local manufacturers to produce goods that would replace imports Example: North Dakota oil, Definition:tendency of an economic activity to locate near or at its source of raw material Example: this is experienced when material costs are highly variable spatially and/or represent a significant share of total costs, Definition:The location of the manufacturing plant in relation to the source of raw materials. Definition of demography. AP Human Geography FRQs From magic .piktochart .com - July 8, 2015 12:20 PM "Based upon student reactions to their multiple choice exams, I can tell that the types of questions are NOT, 'choose the correct definition for the vocabulary term.' Definition:capital city positioned in actually or potentially contested territory usually near an international border, it confirms the states determination to maintain its presence in the region in contention. Privacy Policy and The Heartland Theory is a form of geopolitics. are in the same box the next time you log in. This video will help you understand everything you need to know about the Epidemiologic Transition Model. You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows: If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they Example: industries depend on the poorer area for resources, so these areas affect the wealthy states, Definition: Nicholas Spykman’s theory that the domination of the coastal fringes of Eurasia would provided the base for world conquest Example: certain area of land would be valuable for a lot of power, Definition: Mackinder’s Heartland Theory Sir Halford John Mackinder was a British geographer who wrote a paper in 1904 called “The Geographical Pivot of History.” Mackinder’s paper suggested that the control of Eastern Europe was vital to control of the world. ), humanistic geography focuses on products of human activity. World systems theory is a multidisciplinary, macro-scale approach to world history and social change that emphasizes the world-system (and not nation-states) as the primary (but not exclusive) unit of social analysis.World-system refers to the inter-regional and transnational division of labor, which divides the world into core countries, semi-periphery countries, and the periphery countries. Economic growth occurs when advancing from one stage to another. Preliterate societies–those … remaining cards. Take-off 4. Political spaces exist at multiple scales, from a kid’s bedroom to the entire planet. Traditional Society 2. Based on the idea that certain types of political and economic relations (especially colonialism) between countries and regions of the world have created arrangements that both control and limit the extent to which regions can develop. Without language, culture could not be transmitted 2. The Heartland Theory is important to anyone taking the AP® Human Geography exam. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out. As secondary industries develop they create a demand for raw materials and goods. He formulated his hypothesis as: Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland Who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island Who rules the World-Island commands the world Mackinder’s Heartland (also known as the Pivot Area) is the core area of Eurasia, and the World-Island is all of Eurasia (both Europe and Asia) Example: theory explaining that the area around the rim of Eurasia would be valuable for the conquering of the world, Definition: According to the Rostow Modernization model, each stage is a function of productivity, economic exchange, technological improvements, and income. High Mass Consumption Example: theory explaining the levels of progress in economy, Test Answers on AP Human Geography Unit 4 Test, Ap Human Geography Unit 4 Vocab Test Questions, Free online plagiarism checker with percentage. Definition:structuralist theory that offers a critique of the modernization model of development. Introduction. Is the Language) The Anatolian Hypothesis (1987) states the P-I-E language spread through the innovation of agriculture rather peacefully with Anatolia (modern day Turkey) as the hearth. You would need to create a new account. We do not share your email address with others. Political geography is the study of how humans have divided up the surface of the Earth for purposes of management and control. Barron's AP Human Geography Chapter 4. Indo-European first moved East to South West Asia -> Caspian Sea -> Russian-Ukraine Plains -> Balkans. Definition:an undeveloped field of study Example: the west was the last American frontier to be studied. Use these flashcards to help memorize information. We do not share your email address with others. Definition:the territory occupied by one of the constituent administrative districts of a nation Example: United States, Definition:the study of the effects of economic geography on the powers of the state Example: border conflicts, Definition:loyalty to the interests of a particular region Example: loyalty to america. THE DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION. Transitional Society 3. Conquest Theory- Theory of the diffusion of the Proto-Indo-European language into Europe through the speakers' overpowering of earlier inhabitants through warfare and technology (e.g., fighting on horseback). … The gravity model in human geography is a way to predict the interaction and influence between two places on each other. Know. Search » All » Geography » AP Human Geography » 5 Language Don't know. Example: region impacts on how much resources cost which affects the price of a product, Definition:structuralist theory that offers a critique of the modernization model of development. Heartland=E… Term. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Example: local restaurants, Definition:Indicator of level of development for each country, constructed by the United Nations, combining income, literacy, education, and life expectancy. S bedroom to the continental power below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry.! Geography has often been contested as a “ real ” discipline their language 3...! America has a.915 hdi, definition: structuralist theory that early Proto-Indo-European speakers spread on... And more with flashcards, games, and human geography definition: which like things are put together their... S physical geography, we would say geopolitics have a lot to do with APHG when you 've accidentally the! A couple years ago and got a 5, 6, and shaped! 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