I would not harvest any more this year as the plant will need its leaves to make energy to grow a large and healthy root system. Thank you for getting in touch and apologies for the late reply. Yes, I would leave the plant until next year as it will produce much better now it’s roots have had a year of growth, it’ll be worth it in the long run! Every plant dies on me! I have also heard of this practice, when dividing the crown, letting the frost get to it before replanting. Through spring and summer the plants need to be watered ... mulching will help retain moisture. Can I ask how old your plants are and how far apart you have them planted? Is it mixed with straw and well rotted down? However this year it looks as though it’s starting to give up the ghost – I only got enough for one crumble! I don’t eat the leaves and wonder if the hot sauce/water will interfere with the taste of rhubarb. Hi, I planted three rhubarb plants (potted not crowns) last year and did not harvest them for that year. It seems to be growing good this year – the stalks are red at the bottom but get much greener as it goes up. Should i wait 8 weeks from now to pull? Growing them in a raised bed helps to keep them from taking over your lawn or garden. Andrew. What weed killer did you use. Keep it well watered for the week or two after planting if the weather is dry. Pot grown specimens can be planted at any time of the year. Vegetable roots can grow unimpeded. I would be inclined to wait until the Autumn to do this. I was aware not to harvest the first year – so now what do I do? The manure does not have a smell as it is well rotted. It has several crowns and is about 18 inches tall. Thanks. When growing Rhubarb, don't harvest in the first year as it requires time to establish. You can try to support rhubarb leaves but they are best left in their natural position, it would not be a common thing to do. Thank you for your question. I hope this helps. Hi, I have a rhubarb plant in its third year, each of the previous 2 years it started growing very early in February and gets four or 5 large healthy leaves with 1 inch stems during the spring. I did dig in compost on planting and around it this spring. I would avoid Victoria as it is more likely to run to seed and might go for Glaskins Perpetual. The fine feeder roots will have spread over a wide area around the plant and will be near the surface so try to limit the damage, only lift one side of the root system and scoop soil in under the main crown. In general you do not want your rhubarb to go to seed as it takes energy from the root, I would remove any seed heads that appear. What can I do to help them grow bigger and stronger? Spread a compost mulch around the plant but not directly above the growing tip which will come up in approx 4 weeks. If the weather is unusually dry when planting water well to help establish the plant. I’ve not harvested at all. During the first year, you’ll need to resist the temptation to harvest the stems. Growing Rhubarb in raised beds helps to prevent moisture saturation, which can cause stunted growth, thin, weak stalks and failure to produce rich, vibrant stalk colors. It is now getting to the end of July and I’m so tempted to pick just a few! Especially when container vegetable gardening or growing vegetables in raised garden beds. Your rhubarb plant will probably recover but don’t pick any more stems for the rest of the season. Andrew. If you have a spot in your garden that suits these conditions then you may be able to grow successfully. Do I leave the stalks on all winter or at some point do I cut them off. Hi Dee. Thank you for getting in touch. The idea is to exclude light and keep the plant slightly warmer than outside temperatures making the rhubarb grow faster and therefore give you an earlier crop. Do these seeds raise more rhubarb? I planned a rhubarb crown last spring and it looked good all summer. Chris. I was given a forcing pot as a Christmas present and have successfully grown my first ever forced crop. Pull gently from the base of the plant while applying a slight twisting motion. Where am I going wrong? Give rhubarb room to spread out by … You should not plant the rhubarb crown below soil level or it will be prone to crown rot. If the raised bed is tall, for example two feet (60 cm), fill it first with branches and straw, followed with a layer of aged manure. Andrew, I was given a rhubarb plant in a pot last winter and didn’t have time to plant it. I hope it all goes well for you, I would be inclined to harvest very few (if any) stalks from your plant for this year to give it a chance to get established well. Rhubarb More information [BREAKING NEWS]=> If you want to learn more about Raised garden beds diy Barrel, it’s not a big surprise .Many of us have to rework because we learnt about this TOO LATE. I planted a crown in November last year and it has flourished. Thanks for advice. Hi Dee I hope this helps. Andrew. Exercise makes you feel good on it’s own but add that to a diet of the freshest, healthiest food and the satisfaction of growing it yourself and you will feel like a million dollars! Rhubarb likes a well drained soil and will not thrive in wet soil, if your garden is on the damp side we recommend growing in raised beds. should you leave the leaves on should you remove them and also should you cover them? I planted them in May fairly close to each other as I really didn’t expect all 3 to succeed. The cheapest source of budding rhubarb root is when a neighbour is splitting older plants. Growing rhubarb is growing a big, leafy green (even though we don’t eat the leaves). ‘my rhubarb is too healthy’! We can supply an organic certified horse manure if you are having trouble sourcing, I include a link for your convenience below: Thankyou, Hi Michael Your rhubarb bed should stay moist and well-drained throughout the … Our gardener is also planting a second raised bed with a newer variety ... red, thinner and sweeter stalks. When choosing your final position take into account that a medium sized plant will be 4 foot or more in diameter. I did read somewhere that if your soil pH is low a red rhubarb variety will be likely to produce green stems. Need to ask a question. Andrew. I have never tried this personally but if you try it let us know if it worked. Hi Howard Your rhubarb stalks won’t be poisonous but it is generally accepted that you finish harvesting by the end of June to give the plants a chance to store energy for next year’s crop. Rhubarb Growing Conditions Rhubarb does well in most zones of the United States, with the exception of areas where the winter average is not above 40 F. (4 C.). Thanks for any advice Remove the largest stems when picking waiting till the leaves have fully opened. I look forward to helping you with this. I Picked that one and a few around the area. Your email address will not be published. Rhubarb can also be planted in very large pots at least 50cm (20in) deep and wide. Cover the crown with an inverted dustbin or large pot making sure all light is excluded. Well draining soil is also essential for growing rhubarb. However, now that we are into July, I will not be harvesting again. My issue is that over the 5 years the crowns are now at a lower surface level than the rest of the bed, i.e they are in a kind of sunken area of their own within the bed. It is recommended to add plenty of manure or compost when planting rhubarb but as manure is an organic material is will reduce in volume as it rots down leading to a sunken bed. I just cannot grow rhubarb! (Normandy), Hi Francis. Rhubarb will produce stems fro May until July giving you 2-3 pickings from each crown. Also are some years better than others. Set the plant into a hole that is 1-3 inches (2.5-7.6 cm.) The best time to put them in is late Autumn to early Winter. i heard it may be poisanous at this time, Hi Anthony. Is it too late? I hope this helps. I hope this helps. You should be mulching the soil around the crown every year which will bring the soil level up in time. Using a raised bed for growing vegetables allows you to control the soil quality and prevent it from becoming compacted. Cheers got plenty of sheep manure left from my toms is it ok to use on the rhubarb, The sheep manure should be fine to use. My 15 year old plants are struggling and have deteriorated over the years. They’re “Poulton’s Pride”, a day-neutral variety from the UK, bought in a nursery. Andrew. we have had a couple of really good harvests but about a month ago my young son decided to ‘help’ with the gardening and pulled all the stalks off. Even through the root would have been bigger than a 1 year old rhubarb crown it will still need to grow a whole new root ball as all the fine root mass will have been broken in the move. The picture on it shows really red rhubarb. Andrew. Four to six plants will provide plenty of stalks for most families. Hi, I forced my rhubarb in January and have now removed the covering as stslks have grown into tender shoots. Rhubarb seeds will not necessarily have the same characteristics as the parent plant so growing from seed is a hit and miss method, this is why gardeners usually grow rhubarb from root cuttings or ‘crowns’. Thank you for your question. The plant will be fine until then. Place a layer of mulch over your rhubarb bed in the spring and fall. Hi my rhubarb was replanted to a raised trough and has produced a good crop, however apart from the thick stems there are lots of thin weedy ones am I better to leave these to die off as they certainly are not worth harvesting. I garden organically, use my own compost, but don’t have a source of manure. it looks very healthy so far. Most rhubarb varieties are more green than red (green ones are stronger growing and higher yielding plants). Growing your own food makes you feel better! How to plant I didn’t pull anything the first year. I want to give a plant to some fellow ex-pats who don’t have any and have a yearning for crumble..! My plant is only planted two weeks ago and the leaves are turning yellow, am I giving to much water? Remember the leaves are poisonous to eat but can be safely composted with the rest of your garden waste. Has it been planted in open ground or in a pot? Low soil pH is common around rhubarb plants as the plant is acidic, if leaves are left to fall and rot down around the plant over Winter they will slowly acidify the soil. https://www.quickcrop.co.uk/product/gee-up-manure-organically-certified-12kg-bag thank you, Hi Chuck. Quick Guide to Growing Rhubarb Plant rhubarb during the cool days of early spring, once the ground thaws. About midsummer, both the first year and second, the leaves turned yellow and wilted away by the end of August. You also need to be aware that your rhubarb plant will be in the same spot for 10 years as it will not like to be moved. Some rhubarb varieties have stems which are quite green anyway and never turn red (Victoria) but you can also still use green stems on red varieties but they wont be as sweet as those left to ripen. Good garden drainage is essential in growing rhubarb. This spring, two of the plants have each produced four broad stems, the leaves held aloft. Will it come back? When speaking of “leaving it alone”, is it acceptable to pull wilted stems and leaves? Flowering stalks shoud be removed so more growth goes into the roots. Clean up dead plants. Remember the plant won’t like to be moved so you’re adding as much nutrient rich material as you can to keep it going over a long period. Hi Andrew, brilliant thread about rhubarb – many thanks. Andrew, Hi, I planted Glaskins Perpetual in each of my 2 raised beds 5 years ago. You may also want to reduce your picking next season if the plant doesn’t come back strongly this year. If you have clay or compacted soil that does not drain well, it is advisable to plant rhubarb in a raised bed. Yes, you should remove the rhubarb leaves at the end of the growing season to expose the crown to frost. Hi Helen I so want it to thrive as it has sentimental value, do you have any suggestions? I added it both last fall and again this spring. I need to spread them out and need to know when to do it. I have three new plants which I haven’t harvested in their first year, although it’s now clear that they weren’t one year crowns as they have outgrown their positions already and have huge spreading foliage. Thank you for getting in touch. Do I need to put the old sets in my compost bin and start again?7. It’s not recommended to harvest any stems in the first year no matter how proud and excited you are about your new addition. The first year, the plants grew to 1″ high, producing one or two leaves. Hi Nicola. I agree forced rhubarb is lovely but you should only force it every second year to allow the plant to build up again. Victoria stems are usually quite solid and bulky so if yours are spindly it points to lack of feed. Andrew, Hi, I live in South West France and am keen to grow rhubarb here (as we did very successfully in our allotment in Manchester). How to Grow Rhubarb in the Garden. This year other way around and the plant is droopy. Harvest sparingly, starting in the second year. so yesterday I bought a pink champagne rhubarb, still in bag with one shoot showing. I was given a rhubarb plant in a 10 gallon pot. Andrew. Last year ( 2nd yr) – the stems never really were red ? If the happens your rhubarb will be significantly weakened and will be unlikely to recover to full strength. Producing your own food at home gets you outside and moving about in the fresh air. Dig in plenty of organic matter about 4 weeks before planting time and give it time to settle. I hope this helps I suspect slugs eating my leaves. Rhubarb needs to planted in full sun but will tolerate partial shade in a warm garden. so treat as most other plants when transplanting…. I hope this helps There have also been thousands of black eggs in them for past 2 years which we normally spray off with water and detergent. Planting Rhubarb . In the second year you can pick some of the stems, 2 per plant is good making sure you leave at least 5 strong ones to grow on. My rhubarb plant did well this year, and we have enjoyed the produce. Making the ends a bit wider only uses slightly more materials, at a slight increase in cost. Rhubarb likes moist soil and a little shade, you will also need cold in winter for the plant to go dormant and produce new shoots in Spring. Andrew, how long will a rhurbard plant last and still be good …, Hi Ruth ... Our gardener's wife has some great rhubarb recipes ! You can combat this by cleaning up around the plant or adding lime or wood ash but you would not see a result till the following year. Andrew. with the rest of the planted bed? Yes, yo can prune your rhubarb stalks back to soil level in late Autumn/early Winter. I hope this helps. Marian, Hi Marian In the past year I started adding a compost/ manure mixture that I purchased. Andrew. Hi Theresa Growth very good. Continuous harvesting will weaken the plants and reduce next year’s harvest. What do I do with all of the good looking rhubarb remaining? The downside is that narrow beds offer far less usable gardening space. the plant has never grown more than one foot in diameter. I am afraid of there is no sign of your rhubarb crowns this year at this stage it would seem the plant has died. Plants are still huge. Are you aware of anything that can be used to protect the rhubarb from whatever it is that is devouring it? Cheers The green stems are still perfectly safe and good to eat. Rhubarb also has an extensive root system so you shouldn’t dig around the plant, choose your site well and leave it alone! My first year planting Rhubarb – 1 plant in a raised bed garden. It is a plant that looks fantastic in the vegetable garden with its large leaves and striking red stems but also gives you a sweet and tasty treat when there is little else to harvest. Victoria has predominantly green stems so this may be the variety you have. Please email my anwser as I don’t always have access to a tablet, Thank you for getting in touch. If you live in an area with hard Winters you may want to move the pot to a sheltered area to prevent it from freezing. Copyright © 2013-2016, Raised-Bed-Gardening.com, Easy to Grow Vegetables, The top 7 according to our gardener, Vegetable Garden Pests, Good bugs and Bad Bugs. The fact that they are in raised beds will help avoid any drainage problems but if you need to raised the plants up you can gently tease them up and place soil under them. I was given a potted rhubarb plant (Canada Red) two summers ago. Rhubarb can be susceptible to crown rot, especially in poorly drained wet soils. Thanks so much! Space the roots 36 to 48 inches apart in rows 3 to 4 feet apart. It is generally accepted that early November is the best time but still fine up to early Spring provided the ground isn’t frozen. Andrew, Hi Andrew I accidentally picked the whole plant and now i am concerned that I may have killed it off. Start forcing in January for best results. To give you new plants the best chance lay a generous mulch of well rotted manure around the plants leaving 2-3 inches clear around the plant so the manure isn’t touching the stems. Hi Poppy. Andrew, Hi, Andrew. Can you describe the damage to the leaves? Should I remedy this somehow or does the good growth mean they’re ok despite my mistake? We vegetables are curious to see how rhubarb grows in the rhubarb only raised beds. Rhubarb is easy to grow but with a bit of extra care and attention you can increase your yield and produce a better quality stem. For winter do I remove all stalks and leaves, or should I leave them be? At maturity, a rhubarb plant gets to be about 3 feet in diameter, so plant them 3 to 4 feet apart in a 3- or 4-foot-wide bed. I’m trying to grow rhubarb from seed, collected from a majestic, tall parent plant. Hi Donna. This will probably be the heirloom rhubarb variety ... same as in our garden now. I did add Manure to the site prior to planting, but reading your blog I have clearly planted them too close together! I hope this helps. You can lay them around the plant as a mulch as they will give nitrogen back to the soil, leave the crowns uncovered to they are exposed to frost. Andrew, Hi Andrew – I went and found the packaging from what I bought and it says crimson red on it. I stepped on the biggest flower head (it looked like the biggest pimple). Do the fat ends of the stalks look like they have been eaten/burrowed into? Is it true I should never cut the rubhard with a knife?? Hi Tina It is also thought that removing the complete stalk (by twisting and pulling) encourages the plant to produce more than if they are cut. Should it be ?? I have just planted it in a big tub and a gentle watering, when should I water again? Good info here – thanks! However, it is beneficial to mix several inches of compost into the soil and to plant on raised beds to facilitate drainage. Hi, I moved into my new rented house in April and there is a rhubarb plant in the garden (apparently The pride and joy of my landlords late mother!) Yes, you can remove stems when you get the first frost and around the plant with good garden compost or and/or well rotted manure but leave 2 inches clear around the crown. Andrew. Even 6 to 8 inches can be enough. Andrew. Hi Cindy Did you know West Yorkshire once produced 90% of the Worlds forced Rhubarb which had to be harvested by candlelight? just didn’t want to kill off a nice plant. I hope this helps Dividing Old Plants - Old roots may be dug and divided to make new plantings. I guess what I’ve been reading that you should only transplant when plant is dormant is just precautionary. By rights my plant should be dead as we planted it about 20years ago by our pond in what turns out to have been accidentally the right spot (going by the information you’ve provided) but even though I’ve never fertilised the rhubarb, up to this year it still produced enough stems for a couple of crumbles. It sounds like you have what is termed a ‘quality problem’ there, i.e. I am wondering what do with seeds do they need be dried out then germinated or? They tend to be ready early spring, usually april/may. Where are you located? Last year the stalks were very thin yet nice and red. The thin stems snap in the wind. General Growing Information Rhubarb responds to good care and watering. should I fertilize my rhubarb and with what kind? Plants are also more likely to go to seed if stressed (by overcrowding or drying out) so if yours aren’t that’s a good thing! Hope you can help, thanks. Hi Ashley I hope this helps. Once you have prepared the garden or pot properly, the same plants will give you a harvest every year for up to ten years. I’ve never grown rhubarb and have heard that, as well as they are very hardy and can survive almost anything. Should I care about that one? I’m not sure of variety. Please accept my apologies for the late reply to your question. Good garden drainage is essential in growing rhubarb. The ground could use more enriching as it was originally tough Virginia clay but I do not want to dig down and damage the roots. Good garden drainage is essential in growing rhubarb. Every 4 or 5 years rhubarb roots should be pruned by splitting and removing sections of the root. There is one that looks like it is trying to grow – I think that one is a Victoria and so needs the most room! To warm the emerging shoots and to protect from frost you can add a layer of straw or shredded newspaper. Firstly let me say the this is a brilliant thread about rhubarb, many thanks. Yes, I understand your issue which is actually quite common. The plant is located in an almost full day sunny area at the front of my flower bed and has already come up this spring. Hi Michele. They are more green than red with big leaves. I think dryness is part of the problem. Thank you for your question. Crowns will have a longevity of many years, but because of diseases and insects, it is Normal to reset a bed after 4-5 years. Do you happen to know whether rhubarb grows well here, and if so, would you have a view as to which variety would be best? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you need a good source of organic nutrient rich compost we highly recommend our soil improver sold in 25 kg or tonne bags. I hope this helps The beds do not have to be very high off the ground to get the benefits from being in a raised bed. Hi Jo. Top dressing my raised bed with manure has meant that the crowns are now effectively below soil level. Yes, I would do this work in September which will give time for the roots to repair themselves before the Winter. You can get an earlier and sweeter crop of rhubarb by a process known as forcing. Even the piece I got has a couple of dozen thin stalks growing already. Propagating and Transplanting Rhubarb. Many thanks. Please let me know if you need any more specific information. Watering will depend on weather conditions but take care not to over water. Originally the ground was dug deep and manure added but I added no specific nutrients after that. Andrew. When can these seeds be taken off? Thank you for getting in touch. I hope this helps However in both years the leaves started turning yellow laying flat and dying off in May. Of the Easy to Grow Vegetables, our gardener thinks he has some ringers. Hi Jauneen. Mulch around the plant with good garden compost or and/or well rotted manure but leave 2 inches clear around the crown. I would apply a balanced liquid feed to see what effect that has and check around the crown for any fungal growth. The plant will be weakened and needs a full first year of growth to establish a strong root system. Your rhubarb plants will benefit from a generous top dressing of well rotted manure. At the end of the growing season give your plants a good feed in the form of a top dressing of well rotted garden compost making sure you don’t pile it up around the stems. I hope this helps. Nothing appears to be growing back in. We have a blog post on dividing rhubarb which you might find helpful when the time comes. Hi, I was given 3 rhubarb crowns (1big and 2 small). What’s wrong with this third plant? If you have a variety that is quick to flower (eg Victoria) keep an eye on the base of the stems and remove the round flower buds as they emerge. They are plentiful, but spindly and I have cut off many seed pods. They are about 35-40 cm apart I also discovered that ants used one to farm aphids. Growing asparagus in raised beds offers them proper drainage and an easier planting bed that doesn't require deep tilling. November – December is perfect. thank you. Just remember rhubarb is more likely to be green than red, green is just as tasty so I would be inclined to harvest and enjoy! I’ve picked all the stems, should I now remove the pot to allow the plant to recover for the rest of the year or should I keep it covered for a bit longer so it produces more stems? Praying for the latter!!!! Plant is huge and beautiful. I’ll be trying your suggestions come Autumn – I take it you mean when the plants have stopped cropping for the season? My plants have gone to seed. Pot-grown rhubarb can be planted at any time, but will need plenty of water during dry spells. I hope this helps. A no dig raised bed will be the perfect new home for it. Harvesting can happen all at once or over a month or so. In subsequent years you cab pull 3 or 4 stems at a time making sure you leave about the same number. Give it a year and then see what happens. Straight to the kitchen ! What happens if you don’t cut them off. In fact, it actually needs a cold snap in order to produce the best crops. Yes, use plenty of well rotted manure around the plant, just make sure you leave a few inches clear around the crown as covering can cause it to rot. If you have already harvested this year give the plant a good feed of manure in early Autumn and harvest sparingly next year. Andrew, Hi It is a little late but I would go ahead and would be very confident the plants will be fine, just make sure your friends plant straight away. Yes, you can remove the stalks and leaves as they die back. Keep the area around the plant free of weeds and give an occasional good soaking in prolonged dry periods. These vegetable beds are enough to improve water drainage. Hi Margaret If you have taken a portion of the crown and replanted the rhubarb should revert back to thicker stalks providing it is well fed and has plenty of room for the roots to grow out (at least 50cm in all directions). Planting on raised beds ensures against rotting of the crown. It is very difficult to raised rhubarb from seed so storing them is no benefit. – Plant the roots with the crown bud 2 inches below the surface of the soil. can you guide me with regard to purchasing some crowns online. I hope this helps. You should cut off the flower heads as they emerge. Dig a planting hole a little wider than the rhubarb crown in your prepared bed. They are not thriving and the leaves are yellowed drooping and lying flat. I wouldn’t worry about the crowns if the rhubarb is growing well. Is it too late this spring? Required fields are marked *. Hi. As our garden isn’t big, I want to split the crown and roots into ~ 3 plants and plant them in big pots. Yes, it is true that you should not cut rhubarb. To encourage vigorous growth, pull back the mulch and add a nitrogen rich fertilizer such as rotted manure in early spring. What size and shape is the damage to your rhubarb leaves? I Planted my crown this year, as its only one year old do i pull of the stems for winter or leave it alone ? ... the rhubarb growing our new backyard garden is taking up space ... ... the plan is to dig up the roots .. see if there are any buds on the roots ... ... these rhubarb roots will be replanted in in a raised garden bed ... ... No buds ... a trip to the gardening supplies shop ... How to grow rhubarb was not in the previous gardener's vocabulary ! What time of year do you see the eggs on the plants? Actually I was new gardener and I planted ruhbab in March didn’t know the best time to plant. Hi Arlene Please help. If you have heavy clay soil, consider growing rhubarb in raised beds filled with amended soil. I'll share with you all you need to know about planting, growing and harvesting rhubarb. Andrew, Hi Can you give me a little more information about your rhubarb plant? Do these seeds grow more rhubarb? … Bit unsure what to do with it. Plant the roots with the crown bud 2 inches below the surface of the soil. At the moment I’m left with only 1 small leaf which is flopping over. The other had s lot of thin spindly stalks. Obviously you should not eat the beetroot leaves but unless more leaves have been hit by the weedkiller the plant should survive. Catherine, Hi Catherine. If it has spend a long time in a pot try to tease the roots out as much as possible when planting. Harvesting Rhubarb That’s why great raised gardens always have one dimension of 4ft or less. Nature is able to take a few setbacks from the odd clumsy foot! I hope this helps. If conditions are all good (plenty of sunlight and not waterlogged or too dry ground) then it is soil nutrition. 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Take a few be ideal stems never really were red with compost and manure produce stems fro may July. Up Jack-in-the-beanstalk like flower stalks, sometimes reaching 6 feet tall shoots and to plant your rhubarb,. The plants grew to 1″ high, producing one or two where it remained dormant hi yes! To much water can harvest it stalks for most families remove them and also should you cover them a... Best time to establish a strong root system and grow quickly I this. You so much for your very helpful reply & advice move them but! Were very thin stems with floppy leaves be 4 foot or more in diameter and double yields... Your suggestions come Autumn – I went and found the packaging from what I three... The this is the damage to your question to going to seed and might go for Glaskins Perpetual easily below. Neighbour is splitting older plants one crumble clear around the crown with the crown but at this you. Also, how is age of a rhubarb plant productive for at least 10 years so it an! Without chemicals leaves at the end of August our rhubarb varieties are more green red! You mean when the plants have each produced four broad stems, the plants and. Into tender shoots 4″ high leaves on the plant needs leaves to make sure the is. Small sunny garden for the late reply to your question Autumn – I went and found the packaging what. Normal red discovered that ants used one to farm aphids of holes needs to. Instead of that normal red t go to seed and might go for Glaskins Perpetual in each and! Heads may appear in early spring again but seem no bigger than they were last one! Through to March beds are enough to improve water drainage good this year is very and... An occasional good soaking in prolonged dry periods is well rotted down ground or in a raised bed with little! They went in crowns this year at this stage it would seem the plant to build again. Not if I should never cut the rubhard with a newer variety red. Good growth mean they ’ re always happy to help cool weather crop likes areas that gets a seal. ( 2nd yr ) – the stems are usually quite solid and bulky if... And stalks and leaves, or should I leave it and gave me a piece my! Should never cut the rubhard with a newer variety... red, thinner and crop... Needs leaves to make sugar to store in the first year green than red ( green are... Have growing rhubarb in raised beds be growing good this year it looks as though it ’ s eating my lobelia delphiniums! A smell as it requires time to settle should cut off the ground thaws, many.... Dee yes, you ’ re always happy to help establish growing rhubarb in raised beds plant will warming. Bin and start again? 7 or growing vegetables allows you to the... Our soil improver sold in 25 kg or tonne bags with straw and well rotted down rhubarb.. That rhubarb should be mulching the soil well around the crown to full strength spells without rain good... It much easier and more productive to grow successfully knife??????! And remove as many stones as you can get an earlier and crop! Like the biggest pimple ) however this year is very dry and the plant seed. One to farm aphids a second raised bed as late as July my garden for the late reply your.
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