At the time of his death, 318 enslaved people lived at Mount Vernon and fewer than half of them belonged to … Morgan called slavery a system “that enmeshed master and slave” and one Washington sunk further into as he aged, despite his personal desires to eliminate it from his life. "[231], Late in his presidency, Washington told his Secretary of State, Edmund Randolph, that in the event of a confrontation between North and South, he had "made up his mind to remove and be of the Northern" (i.e. For example, in April of 1781 during the American Revolution, seventeen members of the Mount Vernon enslaved population—fourteen men and three women—fled to the British warship HMS Savage anchored in the Potomac off the shore of the plantation. Rather than abide by the spirit of the Gradual Abolition Act, Washington made sure that the slaves in his Philadelphia household were taken outside state limits before they reached six months' residency. Five freedwomen were listed as remaining: an unmarried mother of two children; two women, one of them with three children, married to Washington slaves too old to work; and two women who were married to dower slaves. [12][13] On his marriage in 1759 to Martha Dandridge Custis, Washington gained control of eighty-four dower slaves. [123] The historians Philip D. Morgan and Peter Henriques[e] are skeptical of Wiencek's conclusion and believe there is no evidence of any change in Washington's moral thinking at this stage. [141][144], The first indication of a shift in Washington's thinking on slavery appears during the war, in correspondence of 1778 and 1779 with Lund Washington, who managed Mount Vernon in Washington's absence. Washington did not himself flog enslaved people, but he did on occasion lash out in a flash of temper with verbal abuse and physical violence when they failed to perform as he expected. Still, he approved of “correction” when those methods failed. He was anxious to recover his own slaves, and refused to consider compensation for the upwards of 80,000 formerly enslaved people evacuated by the British, demanding without success that the British respect a clause in the Preliminary Articles of Peace which he regarded as requiring the return of all slaves and other American property even if the British had purported to free some of those slaves. Mount Vernon is owned and maintained in trust for the people of the United States by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association of the Union, a private, non-profit organization. Like other plantation owners, Washington was known to use whipping and other forms of physical abuse as a punishment for disobedience. [80] Anglicans reached out to American-born slaves in Virginia, and some of the Mount Vernon enslaved population are known to have been christened before Washington acquired the estate. The Constitution allowed but did not require the preservation of slavery, and it deliberately avoided use of the word "slave" which could have been interpreted as authorizing the treatment of human beings as property throughout the country. Washington inherited the 260-acre (110 ha) Ferry Farm and ten slaves. [89] The living arrangements left some enslaved females alone and vulnerable, and the Mount Vernon research historian Mary V. Thompson writes that relationships "could have been the result of mutual attraction and affection, very real demonstrations of power and control, or even exercises in the manipulation of an authority figure". They were still a property from which he expected to profit. 251–253, 260, 263–264, Furstenberg 2011, pp. [181][184][185] Washington wrote in despair to Lafayette: "Some petitions were presented to the Assembly at its last session for the abolition of slavery, but they could scarce obtain a reading. [47] On special occasions when enslaved workers were required to put in extra effort, such as working through a holiday or bringing in the harvest, they were paid or compensated with extra time off. At the end of his life, Washington made the decision to free all his slaves in his 1799 will - the only slave-holding Founding Father to do so. The patriarch in him expected absolute obedience and manifested itself in a strict, rigorous control of the enslaved workers and the emotional distance he maintained from them. [51][52], At Mansion House Farm, most of the enslaved people were housed in a two-story frame building known as the "Quarters for Families". [128][119] Washington was a signatory to that entire document, and thus publicly endorsed clause 17 "declaring our earnest wishes to see an entire stop forever put to such wicked, cruel, and unnatural trade. It's common to hear that George Washington was kinder to his slaves than most other elite planters in Virginia, and that claim largely seems to be true. In the document, Washington left directions for the eventual emancipation of his slaves after the passing of Martha Washington. Enslaved people occasionally earned money through their normal work or for particular services rendered – for example, Washington rewarded three of his own enslaved with cash for good service in 1775, an enslaved person received a fee for the care of a mare that was being bred in 1798 and the chef Hercules profited well by selling slops from the presidential kitchen. Mount Vernon offers a 45-minute guided walking tour highlights the lives and contributions of the enslaved community who built and operated Mount Vernon, the plantation home of George and Martha Washington. [258], Wiencek writes that if Washington had found buyers for his land at what seemed like a fair price, this plan would have ultimately freed "both his own and the slaves controlled by Martha’s family",[259] and to accomplish this goal Washington would "yield up his most valuable remaining asset, his western lands, the wherewithal for his retirement. They were kept busy year round, their tasks varying with the season. In addition, Washington was willed ten slaves. Six of the enslaved in the 1786 census were listed as dead or incapacitated, There is an oral tradition among the descendants of the freedman, In an 1833 interview, Washington's nephew. [78] African-born slaves brought with them some of the religious rituals of their ancestral home, and there is an undocumented tradition of voodoo being practiced at one of the Mount Vernon farms. [91][92] The most common act of resistance was theft, so common that Washington made allowances for it as part of normal wastage. By 1789 Washington was the “largest slave owner in Fairfax County,” and by 1799 he owned 317 slaves, including 143 children (Morgan 2000:281-82). In his will, Augustine left his son the 280 acre family farm near Fredericksburg, Virginia. Thus it was that Judge, an especially talented seamstress, and Hercules escaped in 1796 and 1797 respectively and eluded recapture. Augustine was a tobacco planter with some 10,000 acres (4,000 ha) of land and 50 slaves. [71][72], Large families that covered multiple generations, along with their attendant marriages, were part of an enslaved community-building process that transcended ownership. [264], Washington spared no expense in efforts to recover Hercules and Judge when they absconded. To get the … A major new biography of Washington, and the first to explore his engagement with American slaveryWhen George Washington wrote his will, he made the startling decision to set his slaves free; earlier he had said that holding slaves was his "only unavoidable subject of regret." This book examines George Washington's evolving views about slavery over his lifetime. He was also unusual for being the only slaveowning Founding Father to do so. The more valuable married males were raffled together with their wives and children; less valuable slaves were separated from their families into different lots. Lund sold nine enslaved including the two females, in January 1779. Rewards in the form of better blankets and clothing fabric were given to the "most deserving", and there are examples of cash payments being awarded for good behavior. List of Slaves Belonging to George Washington and John Parke Custis. There were also several remnants of religious traditions from Africa continuing to some degree at Mount Vernon, including both Vodoun and Islam. Some cabins were built as duplexes; some single-unit cabins were small enough to be moved on carts. [303], An alternative narrative more in line with proslavery sentiments embraced rather than excised Washington's ownership of slaves. [79] Although the slave condition made it impossible to adhere to the Five Pillars of Islam, some slave names betray a Muslim cultural origin. Hired labor south of Pennsylvania was scarce and expensive, and the Revolution had cut off the supply of indentured servants and convict labor from Great Britain. [223][224], He was president of a government that provided materiel and financial support for French efforts to suppress the Saint Domingue slave revolt in 1791, and implemented the proslavery Fugitive Slave Act of 1793. Slavery in colonial America was ingrained in the economic and social fabric of several colonies including his native Virginia. George Washington and Slavery will be an essential addition to the historiography of eighteenth-century America and of Washington himself. They grew their own vegetables in small garden plots they were permitted to maintain in their own time, on which they also reared poultry. In 1759, he gained control of dower slaves belonging to the Custis estate on his marriage to Martha Dandridge Custis. White people and people of African descent in the lowest stratum of Virginian society shared common disadvantages and a common lifestyle, which included intermarriage until the Assembly made such unions punishable by banishment in 1691. "[268] According to historian Albert Tillson, one reason why enslaved black people were lodged separately at Mount Vernon is because Washington felt that some white workers had habits that were "not good" (e.g., Tillson mentions instances of "interracial drinking" in the Chesapeake area), and another reason is that, Tillson reports, Washington "expected such accommodations would eventually disgust the white family. [59] Domestic slaves at the main residence who came into regular contact with visitors were better clothed; butlers, waiters and body servants were dressed in a livery based on the three-piece suit of an 18th-century gentleman, and maids were provided with finer quality clothing than their counterparts in the fields. [120] In 1769, Washington co-managed one such lottery in which fifty-five slaves were sold, among them six families and five females with children. He had hundreds of slaves.” Clarence Lusane, Professor, American University. Be thine.". [204][205] Later the same year, he declined a suggestion from the leading French abolitionist Jacques Brissot to form and become president of an abolitionist society in Virginia, stating that although he was in favor of such a society and would support it, the time was not yet right to confront the issue. Washington wrote his will several months before his death in December 1799. Morgan gives a different account of the 1775 purchase, writing that Washington resold the slave because of the slave's resistance to being separated from family and that the decision to do so was "no more than the conventional piety of large Virginia planters who usually said they did not want to break up slave families – and often did it anyway". Phillis Wheatley was an enslaved woman brought to Boston from West Africa at just seven years of age. A souvenir replica of George Washington’s dentures has been pulled from the Mount Vernon site after protests that the teeth were pulled from slaves… [102] Washington took seriously the recapture of fugitives, and in three cases enslaved people who had escaped were sold off in the West Indies after recapture, effectively a death sentence in the severe conditions the enslaved had to endure there. [23][24] There are examples of genuine affection between master and enslaved, such as was the case with his valet William Lee, but such cases were the exception. Their unidentified graves surround this spot." [292] After Martha's death on May 22, 1802, most of the remaining dower slaves passed to her grandson, George Washington Parke Custis, to whom she bequeathed the only slave she held in her own name. [284], Any hopes Washington may have had that his example and prestige would influence the thinking of others, including his own family, proved to be unfounded. His personal servant, William Lee, was the only one freed immediately upon his death. Other enslaved people at Mansion House Farm lived over the outbuildings where they worked or in log cabins. They represented less than three percent of all American forces mobilized, though in 1778 they provided as much as 13% of the Continental Army. "I never mean (unless some particular circumstance should compel me to it) to possess another slave by purchase; it being among my first wishes to see some plan adopted, by which slavery in this country may be abolished by slow, sure and imperceptible degrees. [64] Enslaved people also earned money from their own endeavors, by selling to Washington or at the market in Alexandria food they had caught or grown and small items they had made. Graffiti covers the more than 100 year old George Washington statue on the Southside. It's common to hear that George Washington was kinder to his slaves than most other elite planters in Virginia, and that claim largely seems to be true. Washington was born into a slave society and both he and his wife, Martha, not only owned slaves, but were genetically related to slaves with whom they interacted (including Martha's much younger half-sister). The output of seamstresses dropped off when Martha was away, and spinners found they could slacken by playing the overseers off against her. “George Washington was a slave owner. ZSun-nee Miller-Matema poses for a portrait at Mount Vernon, the plantation home of former US President George Washington, in Alexandria, Va., on Monday, July 18, 2016. George Washington is a hard master, very severe, a hard husband, a hard father, a hard governor. [290] Within a few months, almost all of Washington's former slaves had left Mount Vernon, leaving 121 adult and working-age children still working the estate. This worksheet/quiz will assess what you know about George Washington and slavery. An Inventory of the … Large numbers of unemployed poor, of whatever color, was a cause for concern in 18th-century America, to the extent that expulsion and foreign resettlement was often part of the discourse on emancipation. He thinks hard of all, is despotic in every respect, he mistrusts every man, thinks every man a rogue and nothing but severity will do. Africans who had been baptised before arriving in Virginia could be granted the status of indentured servant until 1682, when another law declared them to be slaves. These individuals included Washington’s personal assistant Christopher Sheels, whose plan to escape with his fiancée was thwarted; the family cook Hercules; and Martha Washington’s personal maid Ona Judge, both of whom escaped successfully. Both Hercules and Judge eluded capture. [75] The value attached to the birth of an enslaved child, if it was noted at all, is indicated in the weekly report of one overseer, which stated, "Increase 9 Lambs & 1 male child of Lynnas." A kinder-than-average slave owner was still a slave owner, and Washington was not one to tolerate disobedience or attempted escapes. [246] In November the same year (1794), Washington declared in a letter to his friend and neighbor Alexander Spotswood: "Were it not then, that I am principled agt. [29], Although Washington employed a farm manager to run the estate and an overseer at each of the farms, he was a hands-on manager who ran his business with a military discipline and involved himself in the minutiae of everyday work. [206] Historian James Flexner has written that, generally speaking, "Washington limited himself to stating that, if an authentic movement toward emancipation could be started in Virginia, he would spring to its support. His will freed his slaves pending the death of his widow, though she freed them within a year of her husband's death. [263] From 1791, he arranged for those who served in his personal retinue in Philadelphia while he was President to be rotated out of the state before they became eligible for emancipation after six months residence per Pennsylvanian law. [288][q], Able-bodied slaves were freed and left to support themselves and their families. At the age of 11, George Washington was already a slave-owner, having inherited 11 slaves and 500 acres of land from his father’s will. George Washington's Views on Slavery In his writings, George Washington felt very strongly that slavery was an institution that needed to be eliminated from American society. [230] Moreover, according to Washington biographer James Thomas Flexner, Washington as President weakened slavery by favoring Hamilton's economic plans over Jefferson's agrarian economics. [188][k] In correspondence the next year with Maryland politician John Francis Mercer, Washington expressed "great repugnance" at buying slaves, stated that he would not buy any more "unless some peculiar circumstances should compel me to it" and made clear his desire to see the institution of slavery ended by a gradual legislative process. "—George Washington, September 9, 1786No history of racism in America can be considered complete without taking into account the role that … The practices of George Washington as to the dogs on his plantation and with which he hunted, and his attitudes towards the dogs of his slaves, show considerable influence from his English roots, though with significant adaptation to the very The proportion of slaves in the population as a whole rose throughout the century; by the end of the American Revolution, over 40% of the people living in Fairfax County were slaves. Philip Morgan speculates that, had the plan proved profitable, Washington might have changed his will and retracted the manumission of his slaves. In short, yes. [40][41][42], In 1799, nearly three-quarters of the enslaved population, over half of them female, worked in the fields. Because General Washington—the universally acknowledged hero of the Revolutionary War—in the postwar period uniquely combined the moral authority, personal prestige, and political power to influence significantly the course and the outcome of the slavery debate, his opinions on the subject of slaves and slavery are of crucial importance to understanding how racism succeeded in becoming an integral and … He also sold a few parti… Trades such as blacksmithing, carpentry, barrel making (coopering), food production and preservation, spinning, weaving and shoe making were carried out in other buildings at Mansion House Farm. Between 1792 and 1794, while Washington was away from Mount Vernon as President, the number of days lost to sickness increased tenfold compared to 1786, when he was resident at Mount Vernon and able to control the situation personally. The unfortunate condition of the persons, whose labour in part I employed, has been the only unavoidable subject of regret. [277][278] The deferral was intended to postpone the pain of separation that would occur when his slaves were freed but their spouses among the dower slaves remained in bondage, a situation which affected 20 couples and their children. An infant remained with its mother at her place of work. George Washington owned slaves and relied on their labor—and, as Erica Armstrong Dunbar reports for the New York Times, he used legal loopholes to avoid freeing them even as … ", "George Washington And The Politics of Slavery", Mount Vernon website page on the evolution of Washington's views on slavery, Slavery at the President's House in Philadelphia, 1788–89 United States presidential election, Samuel Osgood House (First Presidential Mansion), Alexander Macomb House (Second Presidential Mansion), General George Washington Resigning His Commission, Washington and Jefferson National Forests, Washington–Rochambeau Revolutionary Route,, Presidents of the United States and slavery, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 21 December 2020, at 09:08. Moral doubt about the institution first appeared in 1778 when Washington expressed reluctance to sell some of his enslaved workers at a public venue or split their families. [204][205] Although Washington was not alone among Virginian slaveowners in freeing their slaves, he was unusual among those doing it for doing it so late, after the post-revolutionary support for emancipation in Virginia had faded. Washington occasionally rescinded orders so as not to separate spouses, but the historian Henry Wiencek writes, "as a general management practice [Washington] institutionalized an indifference to the stability of enslaved families. Francis Lee, younger brother of William, was well known and respected enough to have his obituary printed in the Alexandria Gazette on his death at Mount Vernon in 1821. There is a suggestion that slaves were implicated in starting a fire at the main residence after Washington's death, and there were rumors that Martha was in danger, including one that slaves planned to poison her. [150][178][j], Washington expressed support for emancipation legislation to prominent Methodists Thomas Coke and Francis Asbury in 1785, but declined to sign their petition which (as Coke put it) asked "the General Assembly of Virginia, to pass a law for the immediate or gradual emancipation of all the slaves". "[207], Washington presided over the Constitutional Convention in 1787, during which it became obvious how explosive the slavery issue was, and how willing the antislavery faction was to accept the preservation of this oppressive institution to ensure national unity and the establishment of a strong federal government. On October 1, 2016, the Mount Vernon Museum opened a new and groundbreaking exhibition called “Lives Bound Together: Slavery at George Washington’s Mount Vernon.” The exhibition explores the long and complex relationship between George Washington and his slaves and his evolving … In this portrait, George Washington (1732–1799) is shown standing on a … Uncommon for practices at the time, Wheatley received instruction in subjects ranging from Greek, Latin and poetry from the daughter of her owners. [175][19][l] In 1788, Washington acquired thirty-three slaves from the estate of Bartholomew Dandridge in settlement of a debt and left them with Dandridge's widow on her estate at Pamocra, New Kent County, Virginia. Washington, in fact, enacted a 1793 law providing a legal means for slave owners to reclaim their lost “property.” And for five years during his presidency, he … It marks, Wiencek believes, a moral epiphany in Washington's thinking, the moment he decided not only to emancipate his slaves but also to use the occasion to set the example Lafayette had urged in 1783. When George Washington took control of the Mount Vernon property in 1754, the population of Fairfax County was around 6,500 people, of whom a little more than 1,800 or about 28% were slaves of African origin. Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association. In 1667, the Virginia Assembly passed a law that barred baptism as a means of conferring freedom. Mulatto ( mixed race ) enslaved people `` with humanity and tenderness '' when sick wait Martha. Of slaves. ” Clarence Lusane, Professor, American University rely upon private contributions help. 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